Rarity x Spike Discussion (S9 Eps, 19 Possible Spoilers Within)
So in that way and in closing, if s9 eps. 19 "dragon dropped" is the only (if not possibly last) sparity centered episode of the series, we can at least agree that sparity is (somewhat semi) official in the series now.
Tutti i suoi dubbi erano spariti. aprì gli occhi e vide la sua amata approntarsi per una nuova leccata. un nuovo turbinio di piacere lo avvolse più forte di prima facendolo cadere su un fianco.
"Taming" the Beast
Within the long since abandoned Castle of Two Sisters, a heavy stone door was pushed open with a rough, grinding creak, bringing forth a wave of cool air and dust. Coughing as he took in the face-full of dusty air, a young mercenary gazed down the...