**weapon systems:** barrage - type 1 micro-blaster (built in right foreleg (military grade) (retractable)) (normal and auto blast modes) blade master - 1 inch long micro edged crysteel claws (front and rear paws) (retractable)) blade master - micro edged
Micro for a Werewolf
A nice story involving a tiny micro being bought by a wolf for his mate on the night of a full moon. some before hand fun is had before the micro gets caught between the two and their fun.
Micro Rights
A micro will be seen for what they are-- same thing as everyone else.
A Micro’s Place
"something," dragonien states before pressing his enormous feet against the two micros.
Interview with a Micro
And lastly, the micro liberation army, with a video sent to various news stations, have stated the attacks will continue until a micro state is established.
The Farmhand's Micro
The farm-hand's micro **special thanks to dasher cheetah for help in writing this and to kitsukyo for editting help** i was running for my life. the farmer's dog chasing me, getting closer and closer every second.
Micro in the Mud
He lifts his paw up, seeing the outlined form of the micro in his wet sock, it clinging to the wolf's back and all over his paw, and gently traced a finger down the micro's spine. "would you like out now, to see your second surprise?"
The Micro Editor
I looked at the micro kitsune on my keyboard. "it does. it's a name of a location isn't it?" "well i think you need to change it." the micro took the initiative and walked all the way across the keyboard to the "delete" key.
Micros Economics
Turning her foot onto its side, she saw the micro. the micro seemed confused at the foot's movement, but then quickly waddled over to it, and resumed his massage. he stroked with his claws.
Micro Christmas
The skunk asks while she brings one of her feet over the form of a mouse micro, crushing him easily before reaching down to grab a few more micros.
Micro's Dream
micro's dream small little kyle was an odd one. he had always been the smallest.
Micro Transactions
A micro talking with a macro dressed in a business suit. a micro using a mini lawnmower to trim a macro's beard. a macro taking out a pocket watch out which has a micro inside serving as the hands. a micro filing a macro's toe claws...