Humanized (trade...sorta)
Before you read, I really don't like how this ended up, and I kinda feel bad that I actually said this was writing and that this was my half of a trade...OH WELL, FUCK THE SYSTEM! * * * I suppose where I'm about to start is as good as any. It was a...
Consult your physician before starting any new medications. possible side effects include, but are not limited to excessive antler growth, stunted antler growth, tinted velvet, excessive velvet, asymmetry, fur loss, numb tail, disorientation, nausea, vomiting
BX-132 Chapter 6
"reported cause of death is listed as unknown, with radiation poisoning suspected. that premises is supported by prei-mortem fur loss..." he reached over, and lifted off several fistfuls of chest fur like plucking cotton balls from a jar.
Ocean Depths. Chapter 34.
Such as fur loss. so he smiled and nodded back before turning away and waiting for his late otter. the water fountain stood proudly in this central spot he found himself in. on one side was a large wall with names carved into it of old lost soldiers.
Furtasia: Thladiran Pantheon
He is also accused of having many dalliances with mortals, devils, daemons, and others, which also creates the impression that his fur loss is due to syphilis.
The Line (Roger and Julie part 6)
Among them being infertility, excessive intestinal gas, diarrhea, constipation, loss of bladder control, difficulty urinating, gynecomastia, reduced body fur, loss of muscle mass, mood swings, mild burning sensation in the genitals and prolonged receding testes
Till Death 5
He didn't want to hurt his love's feelings... and the fur loss was yet another sign they didn't have much time left together anyway. as he continued to breathe in the foul smoke, the hug began to feel better.
"I'm a Wolf!"
They never mentioned anything like fur loss as a side effect! owen flicked on his computer, determined to look up that stuff and their genetic enhanced fluctuational - whatever, then fell to his knees.
Till Death 6
This chapter contains vomit and scat (not fetishized), fur loss (not fetishized), drug use, blood and death.\* \* \* \* \* \* suddenly, the warmth left him. there was the sound walking across the floor, bracelets tinkling.
The Bold and the Furry – Sex In the City
"who would have thought that my fur loss and all the other symptoms were caused by a radioactive leak in the nuclear battery of my artificial heart! apparently the whole product line has been recalled because of this."
Against All Odds: Part 19 - A Guide to the Past
Most suffered substantial fur loss, while others had also been inflicted with horrific blistering and discoloration of their skin. one photo in particular was hard look at.
The Recovery or My Dreams and the Harsh Reality
There was a bandage covering a good chunk of my head where i was hit by the baseball bat and when i removed that (with minimal fur loss) there were six or seven stitches.