Stantler Starter 2: The Absolution Of Despair
But before nurse joy could answer he dropped dead, his soul falling to the deepest pit of karmic gay rape. "good, now that bitch is mine!" ash roared, "pikachu, rape her ass so i can rape her pussy!"
Zootopia chap 6 Alt bad ending
Zootopia chap 6 Alt ending Nick watched in growing alarm, as the big roan Stallion played with Palmer's shiny black cock and balls. Rolling those big potent orbs around in their loose sack playfully, and stroking that huge chemically induced erection....
Breaktime Shorts 7 and 8
Keywords: furry, mm, rape, inc 10 min leopard incest rape ------------------------------------------------- stories in this series are simple timed writing exercises.â as the series title suggests, they are written during my breaks
Rescue, A Nightmare is Awakened
This story contains graphic scenes of post-torture examples, yaoi, rape, and violence. it is extremely dark in nature and if you don't like, don't read. this story may or may not be continued unless i can come up with new ideas. enjoy!
Bully or Buddy, Part 6
It will contain violence, bad language, gay sex, gay rape, and even death, so be warned!
Bully or Buddy, Part 1
It will contain violence, bad language, gay sex, gay rape, and even death, so be warned!
Who's the boss?
Who's the boss? Chap 1 "What does it do?" The tall gray equine asked, looking over at the small, skinny nerdy stallion. Who was busy checking connections, carefully and going over a check list on a clip board. "I told you... its going to make you...
Action=search&search=gay) **,** [rape]( i groaned as i rolled out of bed, glancing at my clock, my black wolf paw slamming down on the off button.
Bully or Buddy, Part 3
It will contain violence, bad language, gay sex, gay rape, and even death, so be warned!
Bully or Buddy, Part 2
It will contain violence, bad language, gay sex, gay rape, and even death, so be warned!
Bolt's Third Lesson...
rape sex to be exact, and even though i'm not really a fan myself i know some of you are and so i am catering to that particular bit right there.
Funz time Cut version
Funz time The big sexy unicorn mare pulled the last strap tight, and then chuckled in a low sexy voice full of arousal. "See I told you, you'd love this." She smirked, reaching between her husbands powerful equine legs to fondle his thick erection,...