Me, Myself, And I. My Fursona.
Face: eyes are wolf like. insizers are longer then normal to the point of being fang like. tattoos: back of right shoulder. dream catcher. it has 4 feathers hanging off of it. there are 13 beads circling the dream catcher.
Soras Bio
Creating a houreglass figure head is covered in withe fur with a black wolf like nose and muzzle, two wolf like withe ears sit prodly on this head, slightly shagy black and red hair is growing from the head down to the shoulders, purple eyes
Camping night
Without warning, the wolf like beast jammed his big wolflike cock into my anus as i gave out a cry.
Sing, sweet Dove
This supposedly fearless predator (which has been known to be able to take down elephants) has been described as being as large as a bull, with a wolf-like visage.
CH5 An Open Door
The young thief fyren has fallen into the chains of a race of wolf-like creatures that plan on making him their slave. as he waits to be sold, the human ponders on a plot to escape.
Hot Spring
like face.
Don't Sleep 2: Primal Text Game
Your movements catch the beast's attention and it lifts its wolf-like muzzle out of your crotch, licking its sharp, external teeth with a black tongue.
Digimon Invasion Chp.1
Tai watches as the large male wolf-like digimon pins the woman to he ground, his teeth around her neck and pressing into her neck leaving marks.
The Guardian Part 2 [One-Hour Story]
His face grew longer to accommodate new, pointed wolf teeth and was now a mix of boy and wolf, like his tail, his ears, and his padded feet.
A werewolf guide: biology Part 1
75%: have a more wolf like appearance. here the werewolf loses the ability to speak and to walk upright. 5.
Moonwolf University: Part 1
He grinned a wolf like grin and pulled out his magical hypnotic pocket watch when he heard his room mate coming to. before fen could fully awaken, marco set the watch spinning over and over in front of him.
Wolf Eggs Pt.1
The other thing she noticed was a pair of antennae which has grown on her head and a pair of mandibles extend out of her wolf like maw.