Hotaru no Ai
Of all the "normal" qualities of a Pokémon trainer, I definitely have none of them. The main reason is quite simple; I only ever had one Pokémon: my arcanine, Hotaru. Well, I'd gotten her as a growlithe, but that was a long time ago. She evolved......
Roberts Did Not Remember, Bobo Had Other Ideas
I really like machine learning ais. not because i think they're a good or useful technology, quite the opposite, i love them for the same reason i love manos: the hands of fate.
Priorities Upon Waking (Otherwise Untitled)
~ The light battle tank's processing core came online, and was abruptly focused by three realizations. Firstly, that a new authorized user had been added to the roster some thirty years prior while she slept. Secondly, the forward side of the tank had...
Naoki's AI Misadventure
And his ai eyes turned back towards him -- not that him, the ai, could _see him_ through the monitor; if him-as-an-ai was watching, it was through the camera. "it's not exactly interesting work. i'm sure you have a lot more _interesting_ things to do."
Ai: Chapter 1
"presenting our newest item: ai. we will start the bidding at 120,000."
Bladed AI Lover
"i am a sentient ai." "you are free thinking?" "correct." "impressive. is that normal now?" "no." "interesting. well. thank you for helping me." "and you in kind. i am unfamiliar with this tunnel, so we may be down here for some time."
Limbo Lower (Otherwise Untitled)
~ The scorched and battered hulk of the ship rested heavily into the footprint of the broad prairie, the majority of the worthwhile and detachable bits having been long since removed. In the skeletal framing of panels and discolored equipment, the...
Autopilot (Otherwise Untitled)
A wave of new alert lights sprung to action across the cockpit displays, contrasting red to the ai's ghost blue form. ~ "i don't know what else to do! please, wake up!"
A Week's Hobby (Otherwise Untitled)
~ The sun hung low to the horizon, as Captain DeCaro calmly regarded the inklings of green shoots rising from the carriage bucket he'd filled with dirt. If the macaw's beak could smile, he would. Satisfied with the evening's inspection, the old bird...
Retreat to Command (Otherwise Untitled)
~ The phoenix stumbled through the hallways of the ship, his eyes closed and hand grasping his shoulder firmly. With months of practice aboard the ship, he was able to readily navigate the corridors filled to overflowing with vibrantly flashing lights...
30 Days of Terror
ai whispered.
Expensive Tastes
Expensive tastes furry/shounen ai/yiff/felinexwolf nc-17 this fic is my first to be uploaded on the yiffstar story archives and one of my first yiff fics(not my first yaoi one maybe i did somethings right. muaha!)