Makin' Bacon
Now it was time to grind my sausage like i was bringing home the bacon. sorry.
The Legend of Bakon
"It's here." Unseen by his assistant, halfway buried in a wall of twisting and tunneling pipes and wires, Dr. Laboratorius' ears metaphorically perked, followed by an excited upward jerking of the head that promptly collided with the iron framework...
It's Always Sunny in Liberty City- The Gang Goes PETA
With bacon strips and bacon strips and bacon strips and bacon strips and bacon strips (inhales) and bacon strips and bacon strips and bacon strips.
A Marriage with a Side of Bacon
He at least made good bacon."
A Match Made In Bacon
Valentine's Day was a day for lovers of others, and lovers of chocolate. There was only one problem, and that was many men and women did not have a person to be a couple with, not just on that particular holiday, but any time of the year for that...
Bringing Home the Bacon
Itico pulls the last of the canisters from the cache into the ship and shakes water from his thick fur. He says to Randa in his mental voice, "Well, at least we won't need to eat anyone." Randa swipes him playfully across the ears. "Come on," she says...
A dream come true
Do i smell bacon? \>. sure enough, whoever was in her kitchen was cooking bacon, \< ok that's it! you break in to my home, you steal my dragon, now you're eating my bacon!? you are so dead!
Iron Author #2: The Perfect Morning
The delightful scent of bacon. he grinned, if there ever was a reason to get out of bed in the morning then your mate making you fresh bacon would be it.
Chapter 2: What am I?
The laptop whirred for a moment and a window opened on the screen, Dave then found himself staring at himself, or himself before whatever experiment had transpired, sitting back he noted that the video had been done right in this seat, there was...
Dream Come True
Do i smell bacon? \>. sure enough, whoever was in her kitchen was cooking bacon, \< ok that's it! you break in to my home, you steal my dragon, now you're eating my bacon!? you are so dead!
Sleeping With The Enemy - You Son Of A Bitch
I continued to cook the tantalizing bacon, it was the least i could do since it saved me from the other sports nuts, although he wasn't off the hook, not yet.
A Very Delusional Christmas
"really frying your bacon?" the coyote shot him a glare. "i'm gonna fry _your_ bacon." "are you?" valyrym blinked, curling his neck. "because when you say it like _that_, it really sounds like a euphemism." "oh, scavenger."