thr return
(lol this is just me remembering yr 10 in my good old history class)
#1 of short in class stories this is a really short story i wrote in class. (i'm in class and decided to write this.)
**classes** (i am stopping the whole "log and day" thing) "so what classes you taking?" nina asked.
My friends know the best jokes
Rocky harbor is a town here in newfoundland today during canadian geography, one of my friends said "there is this girl in rocky harbor... and she wants the d"i turned to him, looked him in the eye and said "she likes it rocky"nearly everyone in the class
That is all for today class, go to your second period."
Bad Karma Chapter 5
I will send a substitute to your class." "of course, victoria." she put the phone back, and turned to her class, excusing herself and left a note for the substitute, a male wolf named laroc.
Imprefect thoughts and in imerfect mind
Draft # 1st imperfect thoughts and in imperfect mind i was recently in a class.
Wolfkin d20 Base Class
Features all of the following are class features of the wolfkin.
Fuzzy Love 1
The two kept talking during class after a while the bell rang for next period each going to different classes, hours passed before school ended and the two met up at the front door, zyrex offering to walk ryu home something that he did not turn down, so the
Burdens - Chapter 2: Selection
- at school, he made his way a little early to his first class.
Everyday Life, Part 2
He said, walking down the hall, navigating through the hundreds of kids that were all heading to their respective classes. "oh no, we're going to be late for the first class of the first day. no one's ever done that before."
Airelus, Chapter 0 ~Prologue
With a final stroke, he finished his notes on the board and turned around to the class.