Daring Clothes
Kara took the cloth and wiped her body completely down, clothes and all, and then stood up to examine her new appearance. standing in the mirror was a new person.
In Sheep's Clothing
She was cute- just recently sheered clean by mark in his human form, her full figure was on display, no wool to clothe her.
Feeding the Clothes
They made clothes, and clothes made the man. men like him were supposed to be obsessed with clothes anyway, but for him, it went a little deeper than the stereotype implied.
Clothing Issues
Walking down the street, the need for such clothing was very noticeable.
Changing Clothes
"my clothes were a pain to take off, and i don't think i'm going to be able to get them back on." "oh? that is problematic. you can try to put them on and see if your old clothes still fit, but if not, then i can get you some new clothes.
Clothing Trouble
"i should let you go, before i go at least, that it's against store policy to try on clothes without, erm, still wearing your own."
Aversion to Clothes
"tell ya what, you don't have to wear anymore clothes for the whole ride home." "really?! that's awesome!" the pup's tail wagged fast as he followed his father out into the room where he finished getting dressed.
Everyone Needs Clothes
Here's your food," he said and handed james a bowl, before turning back to the cart, "and here's your clothes." the chef threw it on the floor. "my clothes?" james ears perked up, and he looked at the cloth on the floor. a single piece of underwear.
A Wolf In Flannel Clothing
"and grandma, what a big nose you have," came the shirley temple of giggles, and a playful poke at his quivering snout; which brought a puffy sleeve closer to his muzzle; he could smell the perfume of clothing washed, and hung out to dry, of woven cloth made
Clothes Make a Dobie
"it's not like i'm gonna be wearing a suit or something," he said, "just felt like changing into something new for the evening, i hate wearing funky clothes, and i've been sweating and panting all day, so...funky..."
A Fox in a Human's Clothing
He looked to his right and saw tanner laying on a table in similar fashion; his arms, legs and mid section tied, a hospital gown the only piece of clothing he had on.
Hanging the family clothes
Caleb turned around within a gasp, he collected his clothes and dressed in fear, opening the door afterwards, saying "oh, jo. i am sorry" then he giggled "come in". joey shook his head and said "it's ok, caleb.