The costume
I came back into the bedroom and placed the final piece of the outfit, the maid's cap, onto my head, making the outfit complete. i got my keys and some cab fare from my pant pockets and placed it into a picket in the front of the outfit.
The Costume Party
Luckily, most of the other revelers seemed to take her dog costume as a good-natured joke, though eunice didn't particularly care what they thought. the one drawback of her costume was that it got very hot.
Flir's Costume
It was a costume like no other.
The Costume Poké
All three audibly gasp as they see all of the amazing pokémon costumes. they heard some chuckling from behind a shelf, "i get that reaction a lot." a man walked out carrying a slowbro costume, "welcome to my story, the costume poké, my name is dorom."
Costume Change
"whoa, dicky, i'm not sure that's an appropriate costume for this party," the arctic wolf laughed, stepping in. richard grinned and looked his friend up and down, "even if this were my costume, it's got to be better than yours."
Drone Costume
Young hrodi makes a costume for the festival and his parents pretend to mistake him for the real thing. hrodi got some cardboard and carefully built a box to fit over his forehead and cover his temples.
Costume Party
"here i am at a halloween party and i'm the only one with a costume." going through the crowd, loki looked for his first target, general vice who was in charge of special operations.
Costume Changes
Others had changed forms in ways that had nothing to do with their costumes, and some even still had those same costumes on.
The Costume Party
So he had two options; he could surf the net for a few hours, or he could try on his costume again. he chose the costume. he walked to his closet, got the costume and started to put it on.
Costumed Chaos
costumed chaos by von krieger "it's mine, chase! i bought my costume first, it was my idea, so i should get to keep the trophy!" jema said with a scowl, the blonde gripping the first place plaque for the costume contest. "please!
Trolling for a Costume
The feet of the costume started to fill in, looking less like a costume foot, and more like a proper troll foot.
Square Costumes
Ryan makes the costume for josee, who's enjoying his touch as he does so. "so, how are you gals doing?" arnold asks the telephone operators. bert moves around him as he makes the masquerade outfit.