The memory sticks to me so strongly that i can feel myself surrounded by the ghosts of our former selves. all these points in time, living on now only in my mind.
ghost it is late perhaps the early hours of morning darkness engulfs everything you walk on silent feet no footsteps left to follow after you no destination planned for this journey merely moving aimless and alone no inclination of the place
Ghosted! Or not?
Nothing on my phone, so i'm guessing "ghosted for sure." or else car trouble with a scoop of phone out of signal on the side. i can relate. sammy said that he was bringing someone for me to meet, but he's a no show also.
The ghost of happiness uncurled in my chest, and stretched.
The ghost was given a thump as the hyena walked past, "hush. don't food shame me." more grumbling as vorpal followed behind. on one side of the door, the halls had been pretty trashed.
The Ghost
Booker turned to the ghost, "come to me, mr. cunningham." the ghost floated towards him, stopping at booker's side. the lion pulled a small clay pot from his briefcase, covering it with the newspaper. he held the open pot up to the ghost.
New beginings for a tortured soul chapter 4
Well I finally got around to writing the 4th chapter and I hope you like. Also on a side note this one uses a different perspective in the way it is told. If you are under the age of 18 please turn away now because this story contains sexual scenes....
New beginings for a tortured soul chapter 3
If you are under the age of 18 please turn away. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 3 Unwanted Guest Venuse: "Samantha would mind giving me a hand in the garden room?" Samantha:...
New beginings for a tortured soul chapter 2
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 2 New Friends, New Family, and a New Beginning to Life Nick: the 25 year old man just looked at his boss, Mark, in his hunched over position as...
new beginings for a tortured soul chapter 1
First off if you dislike blood, magic, murder please turn away now. This chapter of the story doesn't contain sexual events in any way so if that is what you are wanting to read look somewhere else. Aside from all of that this is my first story and...
When I was a girl, I had a fear of the cold. I heard of the horror that would happen out in the dark. The aftermath of the creatures that would prowl around unsuspecting persons just trying to return to their homes and reunite with their families. I...
Ghost Hunting
#2 of quick fetish blurbs (series) ghost hunting was always such an interesting concept to you, a hobby you thought could at the very least fill time and expand your horizons.