
All the things one has forgotten scream for help in dreams. -Elias Canetti +++++ The secretary was used to hysterical clients, but even she was put off by the being screaming down the line at her. "Yes, I understand. No, she can't diagnose...

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By any means be the one to the goal. Whatever that may mean. Seems it's the drive of all mankind. "Only I achieved." "I was the Hero." Selfishness. Yet, here is more; "It is only right that we volunteer ourselves for the greater good." And to...



The lupine's eyes opened lazily. His arms felt so sore. As strength returned to his muscles, the light pain around his biceps and wrists became more acute. The wolf realized that he wasn't lying in a bed like he was supposed to. Instead, he was...

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A Commission If The Gloves Fit

It was hot downtown, and Adam was practically panting as he lugged his trunk to the antique shop. Inheriting his house had been a load off his mind as far as rent, but the novelty of going through the junk in the attic - while never absent - wore...

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Objects in motion

objects at rest stay at rest; objects in motion..." she landed in a soft crouch with her feet on the edge of the cockpit window, and reached out to snare a handhold.

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Objective Analysis

objective analysis mlp:fib - story #1 mlp:fim clop fiction by: scy storm ssbs.furrynet.com **author's notes:** took me a while, didn't it?

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Objective: Move In!

Jesse walks down the trail, panting and placing a paw on his bloated belly as he carries a few bags, soon after arriving back at Syrup's house. "Hey there mister big belly, how was the trip?" Said Syrup with a cute smile. "I-I got chased..." stuttered...


Garage Visit

Garage Visit by: Theo Winters Written for Frysco Frysco blinked a bit as he started to wake up, his body aching and his chest and arms hurting. Closing his eyes he tried to remember what had happened to him. The last thing he dredged from his mind...

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The Fairy's World

The Fairy's World by: Theo Winters Written for SSJ3Mewtwo Daniel's character sheet can be found at [http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3136921](http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3136921) Daniel stopped short on the trail, straining his ears as...

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Catching a Crush and Keeping Them

It also contains object vore. the ending to this story will contain digestion and disposal/scat. if you don't wish to read that simply stop at the line indicating the first ending. also, there's plenty of cursing between college students.

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