Report: Case File - The Savage Dark Reporting Agent: Code Name - Jack "Savage" Affiliation: Unknown Current Whereabouts: Unknown Agent Status: Unknown (Active) Recording Continues: _"Officers Wilde and Hopps. There are three primary traits that...
Riding Shotgun
Before he even realized what he was doing he felt the recoil from the shotgun on his shoulder, and the loud report from it immediately sent his ears ringing.
Pistols and Shotguns
:i pistols and shotguns he let himself flop out in front of the urinal, and as he started relieving himself, he tilted his head towards the younger male next to him. "so why've you been following me?" the tiger asked, half bored.
The transition ch1.
," he asked he then, walked along the alleyway until he spotted what looked like a double-barrel shotgun "this will come in handy," he walked until he reached a store and precisely walk inside shotgun in paw.
Guns of Legend: Chapter Seven
Chapter Seven "What the heck are these?" Kulgan wondered out loud, knowing there was no one within ten miles to hear him. He had been following the trail for over half the night, and he was utterly perplexed by them. The prints looked as if they were...
Ninja Kitty (A Poem)
My shotgun blows him up, in one big shot, "haha, my friend, you have been caught!" as he rebuilds himself, i put him in a time-stopping box, which, at one time, used to hold a fox. "your time of reign is over!"
The hunter becomes the hunted (part1)
I loaded my shotgun to its maximum capacity of three shells and placed the butt of the gun against my shoulder. i said the word "pull!"
Guns of Legend: Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fourteen Adlis stumbled in the darkness as she raced towards the bluff. She'd heard no signs that she was being pursued, but her paranoia got the best of her, convincing her that a thief or cutthroat was hiding in every shadow. In the back...
Guns of Legend: Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Thirteen Kulgan clawed at his door, which had several long gouges in it already. He'd scratched at them so much that his claws were beginning to chip and bleed. It didn't matter, though. Pain was meaningless. The food that had been given to...
Guns of Legend: Chapter Twelve
Chapter Twelve The first view Adlis got of the church was through the window of the carriage as they raced across the desert. She almost had to lean her head out the window to see it, but her curiosity managed to overpower her fear. Churches of...
Guns of Legend: Chapter Eleven
Chapter Eleven Where's my pendant?That thought was all it took to bring Kulgan back to full awareness, sitting upright in his bed.Wait, bed?Memories of the previous night flew through his mind. Finally seeing the creature. Fighting the creature......
Guns of Legend: Chapter Ten
Hey, guys! I know it's been a long time since I've uploaded anything. School's been crazy. I'm going to try to get myself back on track. Let me know what you think of chapter ten! Chapter Ten "And that's my story," Adlis concluded. She'd spent the...