The Original Species: Species List

-bold- means the species is one that i made up. i made up the scientific name as well. -solid- means this is an actual species, and the species name is real. google it to find out what it is! -???

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Unknown Species

It was always odd for a human just being in a city inhabited by purely different mixed species.

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fursona species

Just need ideas ok, so i made a wolf lynx hybrid and i wonder what kinda cool species name would go with that kinda creature. anyone with ideas please respond in the comments section bellow.


Creation Of The Species

The start of a new species is always something to celebrate, well most of the time as an elf soon discovers when she's sold by her father to continue a newly emerging species.

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The lovers of species.

Forget males of her species, this human was hers and hers alone. sophie climbed off the bed and walked out as riley got dressed. she went to the bathroom where she climbed partly into the tub to relieve herself.

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Species List

Avian species: insectoid species: vespamon: about 5 ft in length. basically a giant red and purple wasp.

Purifying The Species

He wasn't above enjoying himself, but he preferred the more exotic species', especially the felines.

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Migratory Species

The phone rang, and Troy hated himself. He licked the back of his hand, trying to get the acid out of his mouth. Spat into the days old coffee cup on his desk and pulled the wet part of his nightshirt away from his body. He'd rinsed it clean of vomit...

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Alien specie

Everything stopped, he didn't draw about the different species or military bases. he didn't tell others of the new species, so everyone moved on with their lives thinking that that had just been a phase.

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A Matter of Species

**a matter of species** spring; a time for budding flowers to reveal their colours, for birds to welcome the morning sun earlier every day with grateful song.

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Passion of species

Introduction (Descriptions) Welcome to the introduction of this book full of tantalising feelings and pleasures. Let me introduce the main character of the story. Here is a simple average 18 year old teenager, his name; is Samuel all of his...

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