F is for . . .

In half a second those rounded nubs disappeared, sinking to setup a homely base camp alongside the felines prostate.

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Wasteland Survivor – The story of Crystal - ch1

"this is major davis of the fourth brigade reserves out of melbourne, we are maintaining a base camp and are trying to re-establish contact with the chain-of-command. any units hearing this, report in. over."

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Drogonar and His Vampire

I knew exactly were to go, i called upon the magic of hell and we were know in the hunters' base camp.

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a tail of magic and mystery chapter 1

From base camp we see armed soldiers enter a town. the commander then sends me to my mount and tells me to fly over and distract the enemy. so i mount my dragon and fly over the camp having the dragon roar and bellow.

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a tail of magic and mystery chapter twelve

Their numbers go from a thousand to hundreds to dozens to a single squad by the time they get to my base camp. they open the door and toss in a grenade. it explodes and they enter to see me standing outside the blast radius with my hands up.


The Bet

However, this particular camp was away from the main base camp. it was a small camp, made up of an elite force of human commandos.

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Recoil: chapter 7, Reflections.

After i slayed the tank, we shipped out back to base camp, which was about 50 miles away. my state of invulnerability only lasted 20. i dropped on the spot, not unconscious, but sore as hell.

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[Cure] Scales and a Cure

Moving cautiously in the other direction, they look for a place to set up base camp. "delta, what about over there?" stein asked, pointing to a large building, the words 'exotic' and 'pets' still visible through the buildings new coat of white.

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Judy Needs It, Part 5

Even the slightest stroke brought her knees together, as if she jumped from base-camp to just below the summit in one go.

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There had been a concert and concessions setup at the raid base camp; a small music festival setup specifically because of the joke.

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Spring Break

He didn't suspect anything of this dragoness, but he wasn't too keen on getting a long ways away from base camp. not after he'd had so much good fortune as to get back close to it with a free ride as it was.

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Eager to Serve

Just a little more and we can set up our base camp. you sure this is the right place?" haroquen held up a satellite tracker and checked their location. "we're here!" he said. "well, probably.

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