Chapter 4 – Transitions and Preparations

He looked down at the picture again and recalled that day he and krystal had liberated sauria from the aparoids where tricky had implied that they would have their honeymoon there.

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Krystal and Chase: Stone Ghost p4

It had also been here that the frontal assault vehicle had been put through its most grueling test against the aparoids in a final showdown.

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Chapter 2: Krystal

I'll be there with my earnings from the aparoid homeworld attack run." "nonsense, ms. krystal. our promotions department and our public relations department have given me clearance to pay for a ship for each member of your team.

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Since before the aparoid assault. we have to prioritize on what is within reach, because we have a _budget_." peppy ran his paws up over his head, pushing his ears back.

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ST: TDF Chapter 1

It does not match anything in our database that i have collected over the years with each of the factions we've fought: venomian, aparoid, and anglar. also, the materials it is composed of are either very, very rare or nonexistent in the lylat system."

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The Legend of Jenny and Renamon # 3 : Commanding the Captive

The aparoids trashed us too badly for us to be able to survive another uprising! this...nghh...this was the only way i could ensure everyone's safety.....goooooodsss....harder wolf...harder!"

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Days of Our Lives (Star Fox)

Three years after the aparoids, an unlikely partnership has formed, and no one has any idea if it was the right thing to do. an emergency call at three in the morning is a welcome diversion from their endless bickering.

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A part of me will leave

A piece of the aparoid queen, it was supposed for all the aparoid and their remains to been vanished in the thin air, or scrambled, after the queen was destroyed, but this part remained, also a piece of the "ship" general scales had, also his helmet...

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In space, no one can hear you moan.

That was one of the reasons why crystal had decided to leave the team after the aparoid incident.

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Ocean Retreat (Hide By The Sea)

Somehow, he'd just happened to enjoy my line of work enough to stick around for as long as i needed him, and once the aparoid crisis was over... well, that was that.

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Taking steps

I just wished i could have gotten up the nerve to approach you about everything before the aparoids came." "and even now you still need someone to help you do it," wolf said rubbing his jaw a bit.

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The End of Star Wolf

\*" the boys saw the devastation fang had caused and saw that he had transformed into something monstrous as they saw leon and panthers shattered bodies, it was just like that time during the aparoid war when fang killed without hesitation only this time

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