Story Segment -- Convenience

This snippet comes from a much longer story called "Truth and Consequences," which is currently under consideration for publication (wish me luck!). It's told in first person by a human named Darius who, on a driving trip west, has picked up a young...

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Full Circle

_...eight... completely relaxed, and you can still hear my voice... almost completely asleep... nine... everything is completely relaxed... your face, your neck, your arms, your legs, your tail, everything is relaxed... close, almost completely...

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Blue Antiphon

I blow out another puff of smoke, adding to the stale haze already hanging in the air. It's another habit I could obviously do without, but I can only take one change at a time. The smoke turns green, yellow, red, green with the traffic light from...

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Standard Equipment (Pundamentals 3)

The young Bengal tiger all but drooled over the images on the screen. Now, this was porn at its finest, and he was really happy to see it. He was likely to be cooped up in this Alaskan observation post until Hell froze over, or the Chicago Cubs took...

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Greetings and Felicitations

Few things, in Eoin McCracken's not so humble opinion, compared to the sheer bliss of being awakened slowly by one's sensitive nose becoming aware of a veritable orgy of delicious food scents wafting into a warm bedroom from what he knew to be a huge,...

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Sheepish (Pundamentals 2)

I had never seen the young ram so upset before. We would often meet for coffee at the little café just down the block from my office, particularly after his weekly therapy session. He was very open about his desire for change, to better himself, and...

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After Hours

**After Hours** Inspired by Flare Starfire Thank you, noble Shire-Ram Jamey contemplated the glass tumbler in front of him, not entirely sober, not entirely drunk, hammered more by depression than by the depressant. The dingo's white-furred paw...

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Handicapping (Pundamentals 1)

Handicapping She was nervous as a... well, she was nervous, anyway. Her long full tail twitched almost as much as her long whiskers, as she waited for the line to move forward. As a rule, she was patient - most cats, especially those who still hunted...

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The Dare

The Dare I looked at the poor bear cub, trembling in his chair before my desk, and I knew that everything we've been teaching our children has been nothing but wrong. I wasn't sure that I was ready to risk my job, my reputation, possibly even my...

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Grayson's Triad (excerpt)

                It was a pitched battle, well into the second half, and still scoreless. One of the opposing team's midfielders dribbled toward center, passing to a wingback as our sweeper came in to find an opening for himself. Some very good footwork...

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Spotted The locker door closed quietly, accompanied by a small, nearly silent sigh. The young white stoat looked carefully around himself, grateful that he didn't see any of the faces that usually meant trouble, or at least moderate discomfort. He...

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A Question of Intimacy

A Question of Intimacy The knock at the door was so tentative that Graaz, rousing from his light doze on the couch, wasn't entirely sure he'd heard it. He shifted slightly, his ears pivoting to fine-tune the input, the tip of his tail flicking a...

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