Hungry Hungry Dragon

"Hey fatass, you don't look so good today... What's up?" A booming voice said, coming from the living room of the large, spacious house. The house was definitely big, but with the multiple tons of lard between the two beasts that were currently...

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Bending The Cage

John groaned as he woke up, looking around the room he was in a couple times as his vision began to clear; it flickered once or twice before doing that. He blinked a few times, moving up a hand to rub the grogginess from his turquoise eyes slightly as...

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Sasuke was tired. He was, in fact, beyond tired. He had not been sleeping well for weeks at that point, and it was starting to show. He had been eating a lot more to try and keep his energy up, and while that had been spiking his weight even moreso...

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Going to a brewery was always a bad idea for the obese draolf. It never ended well; always with him drinking more than he should, and having a tap bigger than he wanted to pay. That was part and parcel of beer being one of his favorite beverages of all...

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The wolf felt the door to the room he was in, and he couldn't have been happier. It had not been with his paws, or his sides, as most furs did. It wasn't even with his hips like several other wide beasts that he knew could. Nor his ass, which he knew...

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Eric had always hated the tufts of hair that hung over his hooves. They got in the way more often than not, got him the attention of being different that few other aspects of his body did, and were so hard to keep clean. Granted, they did help out in...

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Eric had always hated the tufts of hair that hung over his hooves. They got in the way more often than not, got him the attention of being different that few other aspects of his body did, and were so hard to keep clean. Granted, they did help out in...

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Last Call

The rhino was swelling. It started out slowly, almost like a feeling that he was getting a little bloated when he waddled drunkenly out of the club for the night. He had noticed that his final drink had tasted rather funny, but he paid it little mind...

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Rounded Out

Toasty couldn't decide where to put the hose. He knew that in his muzzle he would be able to suckle on it and to let it fill him slower, but there was also the risk of it falling out or him choking due to the various moans that were sure to leave him....

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Pink Handed

The cat never stood a chance when he entered the house. There was something about the house, and about the owner which he had overlooked when he was scoping the place out. It was no small thing either, this was something fairly large. He hadn't seen it...

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Orbital Drop

The morning started with a growl. It was a low, deep one, and came from somewhere on the feline which he hadn't seen in his entire life. He worshipped that part of his frame with revelry which few could even pretend to know though, and constantly gave...

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The blue, muscled wolf sat down on the sofa and let out a heavy sigh. His thick, strong frame was absolutely exhausted from the work he had needed to do during the entire day to maintain the grounds on which he lived. It was why he was privileged to...

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