The Eternal Forest - Chapter VI

#6 of the eternal forest saint christopher gives up his life for a greater purpose ...

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Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 20.5: Cognition

Alvin's likes and dislikes were, at their most base level, tied directly into his purpose. in that regard alvin was very much like any other program: he existed to fulfill the purpose for which he was created.

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Closing Shift

"if i coat you entirely, you harden, becoming a new object, with purpose, true purpose, intrinsic, unavoidable, ever in demand, all in blessed silence."

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Of His Flesh the Mystery Sing

Aquinas's solution was ingenious: good is separate from god--true--but a thing is good when it acts in accordance with its purpose. since god created us and our world, god decides our purpose and thus what moral action is.

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Star Fox: ELPH - Chapter 2

Please identify your legal name, and purpose for this visit." the ai repeated in the same pleasant cheerful tone. "fox is my legal first name," he insisted. "as for the purpose of my visit...

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Hunting Death- On the Rooftops

I'm sure it serves its purpose to the owner or is too expensive to simply replace. at any rate it will be to my benefit to go and check it out.

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.07: Trial and Success - Ep04

There's a greater purpose for you in life, you just have to find it," he tried to explain to her as best as he could. "a purpose..." sasuga uttered, mostly to herself. maybe that was it.

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Under the Savanna Sun

Bucking that felt strange on his back now served magnificent purpose as every one of his shallow, slow thrusts forced twice his reaction out of afi's suddenly helpless body.

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 42

This trick he actually learned from ander, the insufferable know-it-all, but that was just another example of something fulfilling a purpose, and all real purposes for the things outside of banno's existence were simply to fulfil his desires, his hungers,

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 36

He wouldn't have done it on purpose. i don't think he's ever truly hurt me on purpose, but eventually, yes. maybe he would have ended up killing me. but... he never did it on purpose, i believe that. _never_ on purpose. not like me..."

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Sleep Walking Sins (Repost from old account)

He reached in an grabbed yet another, this one being female, the voice telling him to tuck it between his legs for the moment and use it later for some other, special purpose.

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Astral High - Chapter 47

Whoever they were, they gave me a purpose, and that purpose is to decide who does and doesn't die, against the will of nature. last night they said i can grab people to protect them, at least for a week." "but... who?" "don't know.

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