The Luckiest Teenager in the World Part 6

"thanks, sir," the soldier jogged behind the truck, beckoning to his squad. the truck bounced around as they all vaulted in, erik pulling away as soon as the truck's tailgate closed.

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MoonDust, Chapter 17

The sergeant reached the truck's rear door, but paused with his hand on the latch. "is there any atmosphere still in the truck?" the same tech answered. "no. there's...nothing."

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Mave's Origins Part 1 - Fool's Gold

The next thing i remember was the harsh vibrations of a truck along a seldom-used road.

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A day at the office

Almost every truck disgorged a mechanic, armed with tools and weapons. as he approached the truck, the hood was already up, and several soldiers were poking around at the cause of the smoke.


(CH4) From Soldier's Rifle, To Dragon's Wing's (Book 1)

He said as 12 large trucks appeared from behind the mess hall. rolland turned to the trucks as a human jumped out of the driver seat of first truck and approached him. they talked for a moment, then rolland turned to volteer and commanded.

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The Convoy

But now the trucks were in range of more threats. the only driver to spot them was karver, and she reacted by taking her truck to the side of the road, almost putting the truck in the ditch. "this is karver!

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The Hitchhikers - Chapter 1 - The Shocking Reply

After turning into the hospital's parking lot he positioned the truck so he could hook up the trailer. after it was positioned correctly he opened the door to the truck, and climbed down a little before jumping off the side of the truck.

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Day 39 10:02 AM 1/3/2023-Chapter 9-Fly Cloud

We loaded the stuff into the food duffel and then climbed into the truck. i depressed the clutch, put the truck in neutral and gave a flick of my wrist to bring my chevy to life.

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The Victoria Chronicles - 17, The Furred Crusader

All the truck side and rear utility lights were on, lighting up the landscape near and around the truck. he turned his head and saw that what he was leaning against was the side of the truck. all of his squad was!

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The Fall of Codicina

Convoy racing down the asphalt as fast as the trucks could carry them.

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Space Mate

His boss came out with the second tow truck and see's in with no one in it?? where is smith?? then he open's the truck and see's the note on the steering wheel and it say's (i quit) written on it..

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Pandemic-Day 44 5:03AM 1/6/2023-Chapter 14-Horror

Feels like all the weight of the truck is pulling to one side." i drove out of the station and put the truck in second gear as we headed out. i got third at 67 miles an hour and fourth at 75.

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