The Weight: Chapter 4: The Things Taken for Granted.

"but, sir, humphrey-" "humphrey made his decision," winston interjected, "nobody else is to leave, hear?" he turned away from them. "and if any of you do, don't think about coming back."

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The Weight: Chapter 9

The town was much more lively in the light of day, as humphrey could see from the crest of the hill.

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The Weight: Chater 6

Nobody cared about humphrey, not a single \*\*\*\* person. nobody cared about her; nobody supported her, and they called her crazy when she told them the truth.

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Two Worlds: The Last Goodbye, pt 1 (19)

But still, humphrey held himself still, "like what? my _lord."_ was that attitude? did humphrey just give the king attitude?

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The End: Chapter 6: Fairytale

"humphrey, i just wanted to tell you that these past couple of days, they've been kind of... fun!" i said as i felt a strange mixture of joy and regret overwhelm me, "and you've been kind of fun!" humphrey's p.o.v.

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The Weight: Chapter 12

humphrey read his response and nodded then moved his paw to write again.

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The End: Chapter 20: Murder, Myths, and Meilo.

I pressed, nervously, "is humphrey okay?" "actually, humphrey was the incident," he explained, "it's still unclear what exactly happened, but the report i received states that he attacked his instructor."

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The End: Chapter 21: Time and Trauma.

I can't remember what humphrey said that made me do it, but i remember that at some point, i became so angry that i completely lost my head, and that's when i hit him.

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Sweet As Candy

humphrey opened his eyes and grunted in pain, then suddenly stole a quick glance nearby and tilted his head slightly.

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