Bugging Out (4/10)

A few hours later a ship entered into orbit over the planet of Dathmoth, the Polaris setting itself so that it could continue to remain over the station that was reportedly in distress. After initial contact was made they had continued to try and get...

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From Defeat Comes Victory (7/7)

"i had been a loyal assimilator for so long, all those worlds, all those people.

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(Warning: The beginning of this story is completely unimportant. It goes into details of the main character's life that you will never, ever need to remember and will not come in useful anytime else ever! :D) "How did I get here?" I asked...

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Old Stuff: we are not meant to be

Jay was happy enough that even with his hands covered in dirt and his fur damp with sweat, he was still smiling. A month ago, he'd gotten fed up with the mess in his small flat. Two weeks ago, a slow-burning desire to clean up had sprouted into a...

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Read the Terms and Conditions

His body was being assimilated! even as his scales were being transformed right before his eyes he couldn't help but notice that it wasn't painful like he had expected something like this to be.

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Synthesizing A New Life

Preparing host for assimilation\> stated a force in his head, and alex pulled up, trying to struggle against the mental commands.

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A Part of Me

Yes... the dragon could feel more of the power inside of him the more he assimilated this creature, though he had a momentary distraction as his own tail slid over his goo-covered cock.

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Creation of a Sabresnep Drone

That didn't matter though, with him and his new sabredrone companion that he had changed they would be able to easily assimilate the others in the store.

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Seven Suits Enveloping

When he picked up the suit and looked through the head of it the rubber dragon began to feel the tingle of assimilation begin... but something was wrong.

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Four Neoprene Sharks

While she could assimilate others eventually they would turn to goo just like her, but this was something different entirely.

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New Containment Protocol

Even then it took an entire team to successfully take this thing down and the entire time it appeared to be attempting to assimilate the others.

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Filling His Rubber Paws (8/10)

And with all the creativity that this host has assimilated he is coming up with all sorts of fun ideas... like this one."

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