Gnoll Stories
Their deeds would make many good ballads sung by bards... okay, that's all, children. go home. the children began standing up, running away, giggling and playing a big bad gnoll with each other.
Unrest: Prologue
All i can hear is a faint sound of music, a rock ballad to be exact. my eardrums at least have the comfort of a soft, four chord song quietly invading my ears. i must try to get up, but my body moves as if it is tied to a large weight of some sort.
Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Third Entry
Well, maybe that's true for pretty boy heartthrobs like girls are always swooning over in the romance ballads the bards are always singing about. for a guy like rufus, a shaggy, snarly, savage beast of a wolf, not so much.
#1 of the ballad of rosie and manny a picture will inspire a story, and that's the case here. i can't point you to the picture, however. originally, this story was requested of the two people whose characters appeared in that picture.
Chronicles of Elysium City - New Beginings #1: Sweet Child of Mine
The pained arpeggios of an electric guitar seemed to speak directly to aneko's heart as the singer launched into an emotional ballad. _she's got a smile that it seems to me, reminds me of childhood memories.
Jack: Rexi and Talon -- 08 'Zackton Silvercane'
Not the supposedly wonderful _true love_ idealized in ballad and story; not even the more mundane and plebian sort he saw day-to-day around him.
Cluck Cluck
"...or sing us your favourite pop ballad..."
Not All Men Are Wolves (Chapter 5)
#5 of not all men are wolves (short story) **chapter 5: moonlight ballad** i had far too many thoughts slamming against the inner walls of my skull, screaming for my attention while also
chapter two
Variations genders can be flipped for this rp anthro hero and villain are allowed also it can be reversed a hero master and villian slave ///-///-///-///-///-///-///-///-///-///-///-///-///-///-///-/// **ballad of a teenage queen** a eastern actress
Passionate Sibling Traditions
_" she moaned throughout the length of the kiss, refusing to allow the physical touch to drown out the ballad of her feelings for her twin.
Quand les loups s'agitent
«bon, qu'est-ce qu'on fait, on se ballade un peu?» «ouais allez, faisons ça.» kawaku et clément terminèrent la journée en allant au centre commercial. puis quand le dragon rentra chez lui, il envoya des messages à son nouvel ami.
When The Hell Freezes Over
But he choose ballads of war and freedom, and i was, well, able to resist these... even though i had wet dreams about him over the next week. but the rose perfume he made... i hate roses. and chess.