Teaser: It's Not His Party, but...

It's becca's younger sister. if we don't go, there'll be no one else her age at the party!" dad grunted, shuffling his morning paper. the big, black wolf said, "going to be any boys there?" my twin sister carly coughed down some of her morning bacon.

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Two Sides to Every Tale Ch. 2

"becca, that's if half the people on that boat are competitive trainers to begin with," he told her. "i mean, look at me! i haven't even gotten past burgh yet!"

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What's Left Unsaid

"i'm more worried about becca, to be honest." tanner offered in a far-too-innocent a tone. "think she'd freak out?" paul questioned, "or have way too many questions?" "neither."

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Broke back Kenny

In which ken replies, "i don't want bec bust my ass about this" he chuckles, rocks nods, "sure" they finally get back to the library, where they see it has the hustle and bustle of people, they see becca and draven on a couch, cuddling and laughing,

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Ties That Bind, Chapter II: Attack of the Fifty-Foot Reynard

becca was at the heart of the problem. and she wasn't going to get away with it anymore. "this is good, though. well, not _good_, really. but you know..." i trailed off. "i need to tell tabitha.

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Fuck-it list Chap 1

When claire broke the hold she moved for rebecca bringing her forward "so yeah, turns out, you and 'becca haven't met, i was thinking of someone else maybe it was rox."

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Wish List

And becca and chel were visiting their folks. this meant he didn't have to bother closing the door as he sat nude in his room. his mind tried wandering somewhere else. but it just drifted back to his job.

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Broken Words: Chapter 9

He should have believed becca, he should have kicked out francis and just gotten used to sleeping alone again.

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The Noble and the Thief

"night becca." "night marie." fully naked rebecca climbed into bed almost falling instantly. karis was awake most of the night. the image of her running had him up. so secretive.

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Dealer's Choice

"becca does not have a horse face. i wish you would stop saying so. and what about you? i haven't heard of you going on more than one date with any girl in quite a few months, and at least becca is human, not that i have anything against non-humans.

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605 Part 1

Dez's long-time friend, a cat named becca, had posited that dez must be either cursed or possessed given how difficult it was for the black-furred bunny to control herself.

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Swining in the Wind

Then with one swift movement, the fox started to unbutton becca's clothing. "hey what are you doin'? you said you didn't swing that way!" "beca" thad raised his voice slightly, looking directly at her.

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