Harmony's Warriors: Soar - Act II - 05 - We Pretend It's Alright

The iron piece was a breath from scootaloo's head when there was a rainbow colored streak, the sound of galloping hooves mixed in with the sound of metal impacting with the ground.

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Black Ice

You know, the galloping track. i could totally go for a blast. you up for it?" she talked too much. "whatever." she recoiled as if struck across the face. the forest was darker, foreboding.

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Clown Mare 8-1

Did you already pick a dress for the grand galloping gala? because all of your followers and other strangers are going to be there. are you prepared?" "yes, i hope that other strangers don't cause a problem."

Clown Mare 8

"so, the newspaper had told me that there will be slaves at the grand galloping gala." dreamer used her left hoof and took that sip of the cup of yellow hot liquid.

Clown Mare 2-3

The grand galloping gala is only a few weeks away. it will be my first time. i'm excited to be there with the family." * * * rane twirled around three times to the right while the prince used his left hoof and stepped back with his back-left hoof.

First, Last, And Only Letter

Then there was the situation at the grand galloping gala when i encountered my parents, and sister.



Kicking up dust and the scent of their resolve with each resounding fall of their galloping hands and feet. their heads stretched out with their yearning and the shrieking squeaks of their coordinating cries.

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MLP The Chronicles of Fierce Charge: Hearts and Hooves Day Massacre

His blue mane and tail flew behind him as he galloped over to fi with the regal bearing of one married to royalty.

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Chapter II - Challenge

"okay, let's see what you have, forti," he said whilst kicking his heels in deep to signal full gallop.

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Clown Mare 5

All your friends will be coming to the grand galloping gala." he then put his hooves down slowly and opened both of his eyes, stood up from his bed, walked over to his window, used both hooves, and opened the window curtains.


One-two, three-four, one... she galloped, keeping her cadence until she found a beautiful white-tail doe.

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