Potent Supplements
Instead, gorged on bread, oats, and vegetables. his stomach seemed a pit, never filling no matter how much he ate. leaning back on his chair, he patted his stomach. not full, but no longer starved.
Unholy Creatures
It had startled the ram, who had only been eating some oats at his table. he was shaken at first, but had to know what it was- it sounded like it came from his fields. he stood from his chair and approached his window, peeking out of it.
Oh, just my Luck…
Happy-go-lucky kid, wandering about in the fields of tall grasses of wheat and oats, just enjoying the warm sun, frolicking a bit, enjoying the day. three weeks before his sixteenth birthday,...
Black Meridian 08: Rest For The Wicked
The real surprise of that day had been thume, sitting up by the fire near he and fletcher's tents, voraciously devouring a bowl of the plain-tasting oats leftover from the morning meal. "you're awake."
Zebra Superiority 3
He tasted some sort of grains through it, something that was probably oats or something like it, and there was something else in there, too. something powdery. something probably like a drug.
Hive Ch.1
A box of saltine crackers, cans of beans, cereal (should have saved some of the milk for that), oats, dried beef jerky... an entire bag of sugar. energy. raw materials. this would do to get started.
A Family Surprise
Amoung the vast miles of farmland and grass were scattered houses all surrounded by walls of grain and oat. one in particular was an old victorian syle house, with large oak doors and an old brick and wood laid house.
A Day With No Tide (excerpt)
She led the taller woman up the beach, away from the water, past the sand and the sea oats.
The Society, CH 5
You can't just keep sowing your oats for the rest of your life. you have to have found a special guy by now, one you could see yourself spending the rest of your life with." "no, dad. i haven't.
A Slaver's Tale: Chapter Three
I would rather if the boy sowed his wild oats close to home. i don't need some girl getting knocked up. it's bad for the family image, and not so healthy for the bank account either." "ah." gabriel remarked, beginning to understand.
Daisy and Boss: 14 - The Mare with the Mouth (Part one)
He chuckled, "they're feeling their oats today." he stuck out a hand and shook boss's paw and then dani's manicured hand as he introduced himself. "i'm wheaton, daisy's older brother. you must be detective boss?"
The Darkest Heart Chapter 1
oats, fruits of all manner, milk, bread, roast meat, and of course the simple pleasure of welcome company to dine with. the wolfess was polite in her eating, unlike many of the guards normally were.