Six String's Backstory

Six String was born as Nimble Hooves in Cloudsdale, and he was always considered to be a bit different than most colts, preferring to do things that fillies usually did like wear make up, and go shopping for shoes, clothes, and jewelry. It was during...

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The Sheppy Sister's Backstory

**How the three came to be** Angel was born to a family of high royalty, great linage and temperaments along with some of the healthiest backgrounds that could be found in all the lines of the hard working breed. Unfortunately, Angel was born...

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backstory: daisuke thornton akira was born january 16th 1999 to esma akira and ren akira, as their youngest child to ayano akira and taro akira who were 5 and 2 at the time he was born. growing up in rural japan had gave him his fair share of issues.



backstory: arthur masanobu yamashita was born to ronald and bea yamashita on november 20th 1998 as their youngest child to his older siblings ronnie and yuki who where 9 and 5 at the time he was born.



backstory dusty ryan jackson jr was born to dusty (senior) jackson and viviana jackson on april 20th 1998 . he was born one year after his parents had moved from pakistan to the united kingdom and then to the united states.


The Lead Crown: Ch 5c, A Call to Arms (Pt 3)

At this point, contributing readers get to choose the focus of the next post: a) alarice fills the group in on a little of her backstory on the way to vallara. b) weisen fills the group in on a little of his backstory on the way to vallara. c) brother jessen

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Zombies are Wankers: the RV

Writer's note: the next part isn't in the backstories episode talking about this, but i feel like i should have put it in. back to the story. then she got to the part about when he met wesha.

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A Cat's Favorite Thing is the Rain (Part 1)

#1 of spy's backstory i recently got a character and i was inspired to write a backstory, but it wouldn't be a proper story without plenty of lewd scenes. i should finish the backstory completely within a week or two.

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Stellar Wayfarer: One

Most of backstory for everything is also written down, so it can be referenced and i can try to get as much in as possible. there's still room for flexibility however.

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Avalon - Prelude

I will start work on chapter one soon hopefully or expand on the backstory in a timeline format up until where the story begins. let me know what you would like and please comment if you hate it or if you like it (or both).

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backstory: moon jang van was born to xi van and june van in a small chinese/korean village in china, on december 12th 1997 as their eldest child when his younger siblings chang and choul van were born two years later as his twin younger siblings.


Jorek Mackgart-Info sheet

backstory: is a member of the ppff (psi power feline force ) and was also one of the youngest in the army to receive the rank of lieutenant general at the age of 20 . joreks psi powers manifested at a young age .

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