Nati is a very special case, along with hir teleport ability, shi has an uncanny ability to diagnose and heal any ailments that you might have. but it does come with cost. shi gets fatigued rather quickly if used often."

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The Gift a Gray Muzzle story

He began getting a series of ailments, real and imagined. then his grades fell. that began more torment. school conferences. tutoring. and the endless pestering by his parents. they even had him going to a shrink.

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The Kingdom 2

Though still young he was not completely stupid and brash, for before he could make his strike the light also revealed the state of the beast's body... much larger and muscled than his own but showing signs of an ailment he himself has known, prolonged hunger

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Chewy: Leon's dream pt 1

Both razz and i took a bow until a light covered the opponents we defeated, "after a tournament your ailments are then full healed," razz said, "we did amazing, but we will have to have a greater combination."

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Ander's Zombies Ch. 2

Rows and rows of chairs are filled with furries tonight who sit with all sorts of ailments and all sorts of demeanors.

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A potion that cures any ailments. she drinks it. as her eyes start to open i wake up. when i see her again she's smiling. she doesn't talk about the conversation we had yesterday so i decide not to either.

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A Memorable Night

Say but 'thank you' to the creature for choosing her that night, and who was now gently caressing her with its tentacles in a loving manner, soothing her aching body with more of its juices as it rubbed it into her fur and skin to numb her body from her ailments

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Whelp & Enki

She cursed, figuring it would take some time before whomever she was a soul mate to had befallen this ailment.

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Realms of Valeron - Chapter 11

The thing had left a status ailment on him, he realised. something called 'touch of misery'. gunnar snarled, driving for the creature's head. he had so few abilities, he thought, that could do anything truly useful here.

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Earth: The RPG Player's Guide

ailments are broken into two varieties: illnesses or supernatural curses. as such, illnesses and curses are not simply "on or off". every condition comes in various levels of severity. there is also a wealth of beneficial conditions.

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Snowlit Dawn - Book 2 Chapter 6

Void, **i** was kinda like that once; also, i'd hardly say marla has been cured of that ailment." "that's a story you'll have to tell me at some point," he chuckled, taking the transmitter denal had given him out and sitting it on a fold-out table.

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Arvians - Reprieve

The spirits can fix and cure many ailments with the change, but who can say if i would still not be stricken ill, and unable to lay in my own home and rest! besides eskil, don't blame the elders for this. all of us knew my work was needed in this form.

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