ch 32 deadline (part 2)
The blaziken smirked, "mighty polite of ya, ash. thanks." as everyone enjoyed their dinner, kazeerah smiled, "hey, guys? i need ta tell y'all somethin' important." everyone stopped eating and looked towards the blaziken.
West Islands Chapter 4: The Heartless Warrior
"it appears the time for holding back is at an end, blaziken. one way or another, you will meet your end today."
Team Valiant Chapter 3: First Mission
But the blaziken was gone.
Search for the Unobtainable
Find the blaziken, bering it over and then he would get paid!
The Proof in the Pudding
Instead nut eased tierra down into a sitting position, and finally released the blaziken's body from her grasp to move around and kneel before her.
Pokemon: QATM Chapter 9
"a blaziken was taken back there a short time ago; it belongs to my friend. do you mind telling me how it's doing?" "the blaziken?
Team Valiant Arc 7.5 Chapter 6: Brothers of Azure
Sol quickly straightened up, unharmed by the attack, and turned just as volcan was on top of him, taking a punch from the blaziken and making him skid back somewhat as the blaziken's fist drove into his cheek.
Team Valiant Mysteries of the East Chapter 10: Ascendance
There, they saw the unmistakable silhouette of a blaziken, hidden by the darkness coming down the steps.
Rekindling the Flames
The blaziken thought that she could detect a few looks of jealousy on their faces. she tried not to look smug.
Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt29
Blaze -blaziken. bunny -lopunny. oni -weavile. toph -espeon. mystery pokémon.
Chapter 2: Turtwigs Epiphany
"soooo cloooooose.", said blaziken in ecstasy at the same time all of them came inside of grotle.
A trainer's story [38]
Though he'd managed to relieve some of monferno's tension, ryan knew it would take a while for him and blaziken to see eye-to-eye, so he had blaziken help monferno practice his moves.