The Dream of an Average Dreamer Chap 1

I woke up in the morning, my alarm beeping loudly, as it always does in the morning when its time for me to go to school. I got up and looked at the alarm clock. "What this says its 3:00am," I said as thought for a moment on how it could of...

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The Son of Oddscar 3 - Dreamers and Murderers

After their first mating, Barkclaw became more and more sociable just as Oddclaw had intended him to. Slowly but surely, he began to coax him into opening up, allowing others to touch him and soothe his troubled mind with their intimate sessions. They...

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What I Needed

I guess you could say i happened to be one of those 'lucid dreamers', because immense relief immediately flooded over my shoulders as i drifted through this endless void.

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Tales of Zootopia: My Parents

Their first case was to try and stop a mass theft that was going to be perpetrated by a gang led by quite the little dreamer, guillermo del mujer. he was only 16, and he had his own small crime syndicate.


Dream of White

"a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world." - oscar wilde _ **dream of white** _ _ **2010 by eldyran** _ snowflakes tickle my nose, and i wake from

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Survival Bastion - Chapter 01 - Bomb!

.** **christel was in the middle of a vast room, it was morpheus' realm, the land of the dreamers, the only real place that was safe enough to be at at that very moment.

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A Clever Girl: Prologue

When he realized that darius had only fallen asleep in his arms the jaguar lifted the dreamer into the passenger seat of his truck and buckled him in.

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Tears of the Abyss - Prologue

But **you** are the **seeker** , the **dreamer**. **focus**. the voice is whispering in a strange language. it has a touch of anuvian, but if it were the language of the jackals, he would understand it perfectly.

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Mind Control Stream Story 6: Why the Cart Always Goes Before The Horse

The horse brushed some of it out of the way, fanning his way through it until he found the dreamer. as expected, the hyena's dream wasn't altogether dissimilar from work.

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Past me, the Present: Jump!

The elusive guild of quantum dreamers surely must have had ...will have had ... its formal - ritualized - ways of teaching their disciples how to navigate the quantum dream.


Episode Nine: Dream Factory

I imagine probably using sedatives to help the gifted dreamers go to sleep." "that's part of it, yes.

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Night time, Show Time

But ignoring the euphoria on my feet, i crept close, and observed the dreamer for a moment more.

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