Three is love.
The first part of a few quick stroies I have in mind, no real story to be told or meaning to it all, just a few storys that would just be naughty oneshots if they didn't use the same characters over and over and follow some sorta...
Lost Souls - Chapter 2
Fear and Self Loathing in Lost Souls Okay, so here it is, Lost Souls Chapter 2. I'm not entirely sure I like the way this one came out, it feels wrong in some indescribable way, I can't quite put my finger on it. Ultimately though, the story is for...
Limits: Chapter 4
Amy was not built for hard labor. The vole figured this out in highschool. She'd only been made track team captain because of the pressure to succeed. She hated running, hated stretching, and gleefully tossed it all aside the moment she graduated. The...
Something About Mares...
_Inspired by all those people who left praise and ideas in the comments section of [Filly Game]( !_ _Not actually a sequel, but you might want to read the first story for some background of the setting..._ * *...
Vor Ruhm und Ehre
Hey, hab ich doch glatt vergessen, den Rest der Star Trek Geschichten hier zu posten? Das muss korrigiert werden. Wie üblich ist das Ganze nur für Leute über 18 gedacht, und Kommentare werden gern gesehen :) Vor Ruhm und Ehre (eine pöse...
Mother Deer
_Hi there, back with another short story that was inspired by a Jap artist called Mellonleaf which I'll post the links to his two images at the end!_ A deer stood guard, her ears perked and amber eyes wide and bright for any sign or sound of...
Hellcat, Hare, and Hound
"You sure you can't just tie me up and stuff me in the trunk?" Rebecca asked from the backseat. Her nubby tail would be wagging with excitement had it not been smooshed up between her and the seat, but she couldn't really do anything about that. "It'd...
Chapter 5 The First Sin
The First Sin Chapter 5 Before they departed that morning, Darla gave Daphne and Artesda a knapsack with supplies. Daphne was grateful, as it was more than the nuns had done back at the abbey. When she thought about it, Mother Vivica hadn't even...
Tipsy Part 3
Dear Twilight, Please join Luna and I at the castle for the night. P.S. Bring socks! Twilight re-read the letter as she walked through the Canterlot Palace, frowning a little bit to herself. She couldn't help but wonder what Celestia had in...
The Twleve Talismans - Chapter 8 - The Rat Talisman - Motion to the Motionless
This is a redo. I simply did _not_ like the previous version. As Twelve Talismans progressed, Gomamon was getting more and more out of character in this chapter. I've removed the old one, but will leave it up in scraps. This is a semi cross over...
Snowy 2 - Making A Family
Snowy 2 - Making A Family By: DarkSerpent Six months have passed and our hero is traveling near speed of light through the galaxy. Peter still adjusted to the culture and food he had to learn like. Snowy had gone from her tiny self to having a belly...
1.5 Heat Dream - Dixie/Georgette/Angel
Dear reader, before continuing in reading this story id strongly suggest that you read 'Heat Dream - Perdita' first as this story is more of a continuation of that one, though it's still an awesome chapter regardless. thank you and...