The world in the life of a grey husky Chpt. 8 Huskys fight for his life.
Pulling into the drive, the husky noticed something....out of place. Usind his honed skills he let the entire world around him stop, the only thing in his mind was him and the surrounding. No noise, no wind, just him and what he thought smelled like a...
It's never easy to find a place
I don't own pokemon cause it belongs to nintendo. Not me:P It has been several days since Kenji left Bern's humble abode to find a place to call his own. If knew it was going to this hard he would have actually thought of a better plan then...
The sun shone down warmly onto my black fur, warming it evenly as I lay on the beach with the sand acting as a sort of cushion beneath me. The sound of the crashing waves like music to my ears as I stretched my arms over my head and yawned loudly, my...
Ein Flüstern im Sturm Part 1
Ein Flüstern im Sturm Part 1 3 Jahre sind es nun. 3 Jahre Krieg. 3 Jahre sind wir nun schon in dieser Hölle, die uns als unser aller Rettung verkauft worden ist. Am Anfang haben waren sie unsere Hoffnungsträger. Sie haben denn Hunger...
Nations - intro
Hey folks! I thought I would try and break back into writing after years of dabbling without any real purpose. This is just an introduction scene more than anything, so don't worry about the confusion of what's going on and why- that'll all come clear...
Smart Poisons - 1 - Naming
"Get down! Get the fuck down!" a very angry wolf with a gun shouted to his comrades. They all had guns, rag-tag uniforms, a handful of supplies on each person, and stripes to signal rank. The wolf's comrades did as ordered as shells flew overhead,...
Strong Wolf Chronicles part 1 - Warmth
Though this is part one, there was story before this. I wrote a prologue, and if you didn't read it, don't expect to understand a thing that's going on. \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ I got up out of the sand. My day is not yet done, and the next phase...
The Halo Records- Ch. 1
The Banshee hummed as it dropped down to the forest floor, Elites jumping off the platform and collected just bellow. The Arbiter gazed out into the jungle, his mind on the mission at hand... to retrieve the Spartan. It had been the human...
Part 2: Fight
Solaris hardly noticed the first firey explosion, but the second one caught him. He looked up, saw the smoke, and ran foreward. Crouching in the shrubbery, he parted the leaves. A human had trapped the vixen, and now seemed to be using magic. Standing,...
Der Meister
_Yup, it's a story involving sex between two males. I'd like to thank my drill sergeant in boot camp for being the inspiration for Greg's character, even though his punishments were never quite what I'd hoped for... Also thanks to...
Pt 2 Carnal Combat
Chapter II: Developments Blah, as I said in the last chapter, wait, no, I won't paraphrase, let me quote directly, "This is a story based off the carnal combat series by (plugplugplugplug) Emerson (plugplugplugplug) so you should most certainly...
Red Moon: Chapter 8
Red Moon: Chapter 8 The man shivered as he slowly walked through the woods. He didn't move slowly because he was trying to hide his presence, that would be impossible, he was simply moving slowly due to the two foot deep snow that forced him to go at...