Stranded - Night 1

"we've got to get this shelter built, we can't let these clothes get wet." i exclaimed urgently to the lab. we both jumped up and began piling the palm fronds she'd gathered on top of the branches i'd pulled down over our shelter site.

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Calicode: Chapter 14: Leaf in the Wind: Jill

Paul started the car and headed toward the women's shelter. "i'm calling to let you and asha know i made it safely." paul reached a paw and rubbed her pregnant belly.

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Off the Beaten Path

They were dressed in well-worn garb that mirrored the dirtiness of whatever place they had sought shelter in. i didn't even know our city had a homeless shelter, but i was relieved nonetheless to find it.

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Blinded By the Past: Part 1

It's the the break he needs to escape his shitty living situation in the local homeless shelter. however, things are never as easy as it seems.

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The Story of a Fox

The fox tried to find shelter, but the new trees didn't have big cavaties in their roots, and the branches were too high up for him to reach. at some point the fox found shelter under something shiny. it was big, white, and radiating heat and warmth.

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The Western Cube 7

#7 of the western cube tatyana gets shelter - for a price - and confronts a few things about herself.

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Same as Me

I just want to find shelter somewhere i belong. i just want to love you in peace.

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A Meeting of the Lonely

You could help warm the shelter.' if she could hear him she made no reply. he cursed under his breath.

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Crystal's Christmas Wish

The priest looked at the family again, "nonsense, anyone seeking shelter for one reason or another can find it at my church. now, let's bundle you and yours up and get you to the church.

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"i give you a good meal and a breakfast plus even shelter for the night if i can have you tonight." this was how all her nights where being spend, except for her heat days, then she had barely food or water.

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Siren chapter one

All near the streets of jefferson ace and andrew road must evacuate to a biological shelter. those outside of the area must evacuate your houses and get to the country.

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A Bronze Rising: Blizzard

My longing for a proper den was even more palpable as i trotted my way into my garden, seeking at least some shelter between the huge pine trees. even in the most densely packed and sheltered turnabouts, however, there was over a foot of snow.

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