Bound by Destiny 20
Tenchi was listening to azula as she told about the history of the tribe, "but, why you said that they are nearly extinct?" tenchi asked before azula was going quiet, "i was getting to that."
Bound by Destiny 20
Tenchi was listening to azula as she told about the history of the tribe, "but, why you said that they are nearly extinct?" tenchi asked before azula was going quiet, "i was getting to that."
What Universe Am I In? Chapter 1 (rewrite)
They went extinct a century ago. i'm tired, i've been shot, and i'm frankly in a really bad fuckin' mood. now tell me what the hell is going on here."
Michael and Amanda, Chapter 2
With the people dying faster than they were being born, scientists feared the human species would become extinct. there were two schools of thought on how to prevent this potential extinction.
Demarcation Line - Prologue
A few hundred years ago, a virus spread throughout the world, killing millions and threatening to bring the human race to extinction.
Canargon Species Bio
As for breeding, females are very few (relatively a last resort in the risk of the species extinction should the males not find suitable species to breed with), that have eggs but need normal fertilization from males.
Ia'Swaa: The Elevator Pitch
Thought to be extinct until recently, the pale, insectile fairies are once again poised to steal the wealth of the world away from the fairies and animals.
The New World
Reports say the death toll was uncountable at the moment though just looking out your window would tell you that there only a small portion of us left, humans though are extinct.
The Dragons of Summerwind (Preface)
As darkness began to descend upon the world, a dark wizard came out of the shadows and cast upon the world a spell which awoke the mighty dragons from extinction.
Project Godlike: Chariot, honors of power
"yes they are most defiantly the best at anything they set their minds to and they are now, just as with your own race, on the edge of extinction."
TLOS: Darkness Rises: Chapter 1
She hated the fact that she killed her own kind down to the brink of extinction. but she waved the thought off and curled up and went to sleep. meanwhile in a realm with nobodies there was a war between heartless and nobodies.
Ancient Scriptures
Their extinction was inevitable. eager to save their race, the dragons ceased their assaults and signed a treaty with our people, one that would ensure their survival and peace throughout the land. but they were forbidden from ever using it again.