The hunter becomes the hunted (part1)

I back the car to the very beginning of the range. i tell the guys to wait here while i set up a target. at the end of the range, i put a big 19 liter bottle full of water, with a bit of red food coloring to make it more visible.

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7 Year Journey

We can be in range to tractor them in approximately two minutes." "do so. ensign rutan, hail the planet." she ordered. general mcelroy appeared. "what happened up there?" he demanded.

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The Arcane Warrior - The Art of Combat and Survival Without Blade or Heavy Steel Vol#1 Destruction

_ _getting back to the topic at hand, i was discussing using the art of destruction in both close and far range combat!

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Favors of the First Ones - Chapter 24

"we are not quite in range to launch the warhead.

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Chapter 3: Wolf Of A Different Color

"and why i favour the close range weapons. i do best in the thick of it, don't have the patience for all that methodical long-range work." "i think we could balance each other well then.

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The Moonweaver Chronicles part 17

"your reactions to his attacks, you goaded him on and constantly jumped out of his range, you wanted to burn him out.

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Brothers in Arms - The Battle of Evermore

Smiling he, looked down range at the approaching insurgents. now at about 400 metres away.

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 13-Rescue Efforts

"rodger that alpha,nolan called back as a barrett m82a1 rang out,enemy heavies neutralized." "copy,i said. as i approached the bridge,the 105 rang again and it collapsed,taking several enemy mg trucks with it.

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Christmas special: Part 1: The break

Lunch bell rang rousing the class. i was the first up, but the teacher made me wait for the rest of the class to leave before me "you know my rule jonathan, first out of their seat is last to leave."

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Part One: Aaron's Story

The final bell rang out softly in the acoustically dampened room, yet no one made a move for the door. we all just stood, waiting.

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Reaper: Hades - Caroline Boswin

**primary class:** marksman _-_ a class entirely focused on ranged offense with very little physical defences and close ranged combat abilities. deadly at a range.

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StrangeOwl Chapter 5

More laughter rang out from the other three warriors. "i can't! my talons are dug deep into the branch." i replied in a huff. walking around to the front of me so he could look at my face, eagles mark put his hands on his hips.

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