Hidden Away
"Hey there." The foxes ears twitched as he turned towards the voice, the otter grinning as he walked towards him, his bare chest wet from surfing. "You okay?" the otter asked. The fox cocked his head in return. "Of course, why wouldn't I...
Doggie Dream
There he was, just standing out on the porch as if he'd been waiting for me to show up. Standing tall, his tail wagging enthusiastically, his eyes glistened with what looked like amusement as he gazed at me. His pink tongue lolled out of his mouth,...
Zion: Light of the New Moon, Myrh's Post Milestone
Zion - Light of the New Moon Myrh Changes _Yearl is forced to create a new strategy for the few survivors of the destroyed caravan to make it safely to Zion. More importantly, however, he will have to figure out how to handle the role strain of...
Dragon... shy? 3
_Kapitel 3: Seelenverwandtschaft_ Sugar Cube Corner war ein riesiges Gebäude, das inmitten der Stadt von Ponyville empor ragte. Es erinnerte vom Stil her an ein Pfefferkuchenhaus aus alten Kindermärchen. Das Dach des Gebäudes bestand aus Lebkuchen...
Dragon... shy? 2
_Kapitel 2: Die Suche nach Antworten_ Nach mehreren Stunden Schlaf, wachte ein großer, junger, weißer Drache mit blonden Haaren, dessen Name Kevin war, mit einem lauten Gähnen auf und streckte sich, blieb jedoch noch liegen und ließ das erste...
Dragon... shy?
_Kapitel 1: Eine (un)sanfte Ankunft..._ Entlang eines kleinen Sees flogen kleine Singvögel und liefen kleine Tiere am Ufer entlang in die Richtung einer klaren, gefühlvollen Stimme, die ein Lied formte, die jeder aus weiter Entfernung vernehmen...
Inhuman | Chapter 03: Revelations [old edition]
> **NOTE:** This is an old version of _Inhuman_, which is currently undergoing extensive revisions that include a stylistic overhaul and several chapters' worth of new content. Stay tuned for the final version, due out whenever I finally slay the...
Look, After...
This is what happens when you're a Valanx and you listen to _Big Girls Don't Cry_ on repeat (can I get a 'gayyyyyy'). Don't let the purple prose scare you, it's intentional. You'll see. * * * The drab carpet was firm and unyielding beneath socked...
Unplanned Adventures Part 2 - Unintended Grace
Unintended Grace By Paul Calhoun It should be noted prior to continuing the story that we are now well into the 2030s. Chapter 1: Getting Out the Door Nora watched Victor pack, her stance showing her disapproval as much as her words. "I...
Unplanned Adventures Part 3 - Unlikely Convergence
Unlikely Convergence By Paul Calhoun To describe much of anything about the story's content would be removing what little suspense I can manage to create. Instead, I'll admit to being somewhat influenced by Daria in the previous story and influenced...
I Don't Fear Death, I'm With Her
The story is a work of fiction and not meant to offend or to suggest to anything or anyone in REAL life. If your name happenes to be placed here, that is only by coincidence. The plot is of my ownership and if the idea came from others, I'll say sorry...
Gesture - Zerrif 1
Author's Note: While the ferret bartender in this story is named Zerrif, looks the same, acts the same, as is pretty much the same as the one in Ardring... he's not the same. XD. Ardring is my "canonical" version of Zerrif, involving his storyline, his...