Learning Lessons Pt. 5

It was so smooth and soft-- that was the most surprising part. The hand curled around his wrist was rough and leathery, but under the denim, inside the boxer briefs, that most crucial piece of flesh, that wellspring of both genetic information and most...

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Status: Ecstatic

## "Everybody deserves to be happy". You'd be hard pressed to find somebody who disagrees with this assertion. It's a founding principle of utilitarian thought - how can we bring the greatest happiness to the greatest number of people? It's a good...

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The story of little Snapper

Husky's diary So, today's day were so fucking annoying. Snapper just was biting my tail. That hurts, don't he understand? But, I'll tell you a little story of my loved friend, Snapper. - Snapper, stop that! I shouted him because he was biting my tail...

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Happy Tree Friends Oneshots ch. 11

Lifty x Flaky (Intruder?) "Bye Giggles" Flaky said, waving goodbye to her friends who had offered her a ride home since it was dangerous to go home alone in the dead of the night. She fished for the keys to her house in her pockets and inserted t...

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Happy Tree Friends Oneshots ch. 8

Sneaky x Mouse Kaboom Somewhere in a jungle plagued by the scorching fires of war, three figures had huddled themselves behind a bush, their camo uniforms providing ample camouflage with the foliage to remain undetected. One of these figures, a bear,...

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No Worries

I drag my feet as I get out the elevator and walk towards the apartment I share with Jarox, my boyfriend. It's been a terrible day, and I'm glad to finally be home. I open the door and I'm welcomed by Jarox. The huge dragon's eyes light up as he sees...

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The life of a fox after war

The life of a fox after war After the war with Kaguya, everyone went back to their respective villages to try and rebuild their lives. It took some time and effort, but after a while everyone got settled in again and life was almost back to normal....

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GW2 Fan Fiction: A Cartographer's Love

GW2 Fan Fiction: A Cartographer's Love Dredgehaunt Cliffs, a mountainous region covered in snow and black smoke. The Dredge, mole like people, made their base there mining the various resources and attacking anyone who dared pass by. Gexxi was a...

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United Hearts (A1, B10, C16)

Chapter -16- United Hearts _Thursday, December 2 Atlantic Ocean_ ... **Evan Balmoral placed a hand on Cybil's shoulder, guiding him forward.**"I wish I could help you relax." Cybil grimaced. "I get why you're doing this, but you're introducing...

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The Cetra and the Lion, chapter 5

Our cubs grow fast, and despite the fact that Hojo was deprived of observing their birth, in the end he still controls what happens in his lab. A little under a year after they were born--when they were weaned and active and bright-eyed, always willing...

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Love is Abloom

_A little ficlet I did for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It was originally going to be adult-themed but I ended up scrapping the adult portion of it for a much shorter, "cute and happy" variant. This story is all about Apple Bloom. Why? Because...

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Fox Fur and His Choices In Life

**\*This is copy right and owned by LoveableFoxy\*** As the title suggest it's more a small story although it's real life cases, Trying to deal with family life and how possibly that may or may not accept you as you're sexual choices in life. Well...

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