The shape of things to come. (A Fan-Fiction Furs contest entry)

I pass out with the immense blood loss. i am aware now of a beeping sound, slow and rhythmic; my brain is still too scrambled to recognise the sound.

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Humanized (trade...sorta)

It may not be bleeding quickly, but if it continues eventually i will die from blood loss. fur is almost entirely gone from my body now. i look hideous.

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Little Red Wolf Original - 08

That and some blood loss will keep him in bed for awhile. this is your quest. you have to use the tools you have."** **"no fairy magic then?" dewdrop shook her head and scarlett sighed. "my, quest..." dewdrop nodded as scarlett wracked her brain.

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Eventually, after i don't know how long, he died of blood loss. and i heard sirens. i kneeled down in his blood. when the police got in, they found me crying and laughing hysterically. it was surprisingly easy to fake insanity.

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She put her paws over the wound to try and keep the blood loss to a minimum. "a..ash..." her ears perked up to the fennec's voice, leaning in close. "i've got you trev, just stay with me, i'm going to get you to a hospital."

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HoA Ch. 10: Chasing Shadows (Now complete)

Stumbling around a bit and tearing a strip from his already tarnished and ruined shirt, kaille tied a firm knot around the wound to slow the bleeding, his hands shaky and uneasy from blood loss already.

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The Estate

By dawn, i would most certainly be dead to rust fever or blood loss. there was no disengaging the mechanisms. i had tried, only to renew my agony and, i believe, shatter my bones further.

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Guadalupe (prequel)

Hooper muttered, short on breath and nerve, ready to pass out from excessive blood loss. "not the answer i was seeking out!" maxwell raised the hatchet above hooper's other wrist, now pinned down by max's knee.

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A Silent Soul- Chapter 2

"our next story is a report of a fatal car accident last night on shettsberg avenue where a car was t-boned by another driving coming through the intersection the driver was transported to alamo hospital where she later died from blood loss.

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Death Divide -- Chapter 1

I had severe blood loss and wounds on my wrists. i'd been found in a bar, locked in a toilet cubicle, knife on the tiled floor, while i sat against the door, bloodied hands and forearms in my lap, letting the darkness just envelop me.

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Moonlight Fells Right - chapter 1

No blood loss?" she said this while quickly looking them over, leu tried to answer his worried mother "we're fine mom, nothing serious, but i will need to rest for awhile, and i don't think we lost any blood at all."

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The Upgraded Wolf: Chapter One

The doctor was an expert in his craft and there would be little blood loss. not like the first one. canines were ideal candidates, both numerous and very similar to each other.

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