The Serpent's Shard (Pt 2)
The brown wolf growled loud as his legs took a couple of steps back. while he was expecting for the guardian to show up, he wasn't expecting to see the reptile so excited about his return.
Odd Wolf Out Chapter One
Bo a dark brown wolf with blue eyes. bo is the oldest of his litter. like his oldest brother, smokey, bo views himself as the"leader' of his litter. he tries to gain his siblings' subordination, with no success.
Is That Who I Think It Is?
He's a brown wolf. and before you ask, we're not gay. just because we've been best buds for years doesn't mean we're gay. "chip! what's up?" i ask. oh yeah. i'm a blue fox. "i'm clean!
I'm Here For You
And the brown wolf, alex, is my best friend. me? i'm just your average orange fox. i walk over to our table and sit down. "hey, junior." alex says. that's not my real name.
The Living Collection: Vic
The shaggy looking brown wolf with a small goatee cried out past the giant cylinder strapped to his muzzle, the straps wrapped tightly around the back of his head.
Of Blood and Magic, Part 1: Getting Reacquainted
Two furs, one of them red panda and the other a brown wolf with white spots on his arms and neck, both stood upright with their hands behind their backs.
The Life and Times of Brandon Firestone Pt2
Marcus himself only had a few scorch marks where brandon's fire had actually hit him, but the brown wolf still wasn't satisfied. marcus stomped his foot on the ground and lifted up a boulder ready to crush brandon. "marcus, that's enough!"
True Love Part One: Love, Light, and Whores?
I waited for my teacher who was also (and clearly) staring at me as i scanned the room to see a big muscled brown wolf next to the window.
Tone And Hiro - Chapter One - The Price Of Freedom
Arc slipped through as the fox shut it behind him, two unconscious females in his arms; a brown wolf under one, an arctic vixen beneath the other. akra's fellow slaves, aiya and tess.
Fan Story, McCloud's Story Chapter 1
#1 of mccloud's story fan story to gray muzzle hope he featured it^^ well this is my first story about a relationship with mccloud the brown wolf and tina the white poodle. anyways tina and ray by grey muzzle and mccloud, garou and the story by me.
New Life - Part 2
Soon the door opens again with the huge brown wolf stepping inside. he is wearing what he normally does, his designer shoes, his custom made slacks, shirt, jacket, and yes even sunglasses.
Escaping the Pack Chapter 1
My name is sean and i'm just a simlpe brown wolf and if your wondering yes i was the runt of the litter and...a screw up to say the least. "what the fuck is wrong with you? we where so close this time and then you go and fuck it up!"