Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Ventures of Beyond
Please ask for permission before using any characters in this story. vee and red are property of viz media and are characters in the pokémon adventures manga.
Canvas and Melody - Prologue
Doesn't work as well with the prologue because it's not really from any character's perspective, but i'll try. go ahead, ask away. i intend to do daily uploads until this story is finished, any and all comments and critiques are welcome!
The Mayonian Pack- Chapter 7
All characters are fictional and a image of the author's mind and in no way related to or based off any character real or fictional, with the exception of steel (wolfie steel), who appears as himself.. copyright 2010 © lone wolf productions.
TLOS: Darkness Rises: Chapter 1
Please go easy on me i don't own any characters from spyro,kingdom hearts ,or final fantasy. i made up my own characters for all three. if you haven't played kingdom hearts 2 or and final fantasy games you wouldn't understand the story.
PMD: Ventures of Beyond CH:4
Please ask for permission before using any characters in this story. thank you (^.=.^) pokemon mystery dungeon: ventures of beyond ch: 4 shiro woke up in the medical wing of the guild. "when did i...?"
The Mayonian Pack- Chapter 8
All characters are fictional and an image of the author's mind and in no way related to or based off any character real or fictional, with the exception of steel (wolfie steel) and jos (vicious reader) who appear as themselves.
The Mayonian Pack- Chapter 6
All characters are fictional and an image of the author's mind and in no way related to or based off any character real or fictional, with the exception of steel (wolfie steel), who appears as himself. copyright 2010 © lone wolf productions.
The Mayonian Pack- Chapter 1
#3 of the mayonian pack all characters are fictional and an image of the authors mind and in no way related to or based off any character real or fictional. copywrite 2010 © lone wolf productions.
PMD: Ventures of Beyond CH:1
Please ask for permission before using any characters in this story. thank you (^.=.^) pokemon mystery dungeon: ventures of beyond ch: 1 "hey? wake up little kit!" a male voice commanded with natural authority.
Bubble Gum Chew
any character simialrities are coenciental.
Getting Frisky
any characters are fine with me :)_ the nightclub was hot and crowded and sweaty and loud -- and for a while, that was exactly what farrah had wanted. where better to spend a friday night when you're single?
Angel's best meal revised
Disclaimer. i don't own any characters in this story they are all owned by disney however this story is entirely my idea well now that that's cleared up on with the story i went back, and fixed my errors and again thanks for the comments angel's best