Diaper Slave: Vikie

She smiles and plays with the baby toys sucking on a pacifier. soon her mum comes in and changes her diaper; what's odd is this isn't a memory as a dream since she is fully grown, with her cyber arm, tusks and dragon horns.

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The Curse | Chapter 5 [Comm]

The inside of it rattled gently, as it also held a few choice baby toys he had brought with him. after all, babies can get bored sometimes.

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[Story] The Scary Movie [SFW]

Into the toddler's little nursery, which was full of baby toys and dumb stuffed animals and... and **diapers**. "u-uncle baron..?" his uncle glanced down at him, an eyebrow raised as he let out a 'hm' in question. "why are we going into teddy's room?"

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Chapter 3B - The Kidnapping

There were a few toys scattered around, mostly old baby toys like blocks and a rocking horse, as well as a few newspapers and clothes. it smelled musty and old, but toby didn't see any other cub in the room, just a big pile of old blankets in the corner.

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Hunter's Shopping Trip

The rabbit smiled as she took hunter to the toy section, making a beeline for the baby toy aisle. much to hunter's dismay, she moved down the aisle and took the time to show him every toy in there. hunter squirmed as his bladder ached.

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Uks Silvercast

Uks now well aware how bad the situation just became he grabed his bags and took off to the nearest building droping a new type of baby toy he had found in a mall some time back it flashed and whistled violently distracting the zombies as he fled in the opposite

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The Magic Mirror Maze

What was odd, however, were the soft, foam puzzle piece tiles on the floor with an assortment of baby toys scattered across them. jaxxy slowly entered the room, wondering why it had such a strange setup.

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A Cushy Expedition | Chapter 1 [Archives]

Around every corner there was a stuffed animal or baby toy lying around, and as they passed the living room amber noticed and a wide arrow of toys, blankets, pillows, and plushies.

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Day of Discovery

Ben knew he would be staying in his room for the night, as the rest of the house would be completely covered in baby toys that his brother has no intention of cleaning up till his charge is on its way home.

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A Dragon for Christmas Part Six: Can it get any worse?

Most of them consisted of baby toys such as stuffed animals, blocks, a rattle, and a new playpen for the living room. tyson played with kilmor for an hour until kilmor started to yawn loudly.

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Eggceptional Get Awyays: Khloe

A number baby toys were scattered all over the floor. then there was the figure that sat upon the throne. it was an infant like khloe. but it looked to be a completely different species.

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