Fall in the Monastery
The sound of horse shoes upon cobbled stone pounded through the street as a carriage raced through the streets, whip cracking aloud in the night before suddenly coming to a halt, the horses neighing and crying out as they reared back to stop. The...
Skittering About While the Wife is Out
"Dammit Jane, stop that! For now, anyway," David whispered in his usual teasing tone. I smirked, going back to cleaning the windows of his study. Though it was his usual workspace, I knew for a fact that David came in here while I was working just...
Your Name Is: Skúmálfar - Chapter 03
Highwoods, Colchester, yes she was familiar, intimately in fact. She knew the way past the train station. up that god awful wretched hill and where she might find sanctuary now she is among the Monstrus kind. As she headed towards her destination, she...
The First Movement
The Hounds of Tyre. In any just world, it'd be a nice little pub located in Colchester, around Scheregate Steps. A great local spot for Monsters but nothing beyond that microcosm. Sadly, it is a great pub for Monsters, which makes it a shining beacon...
The Blood Which Binds
In a mucky inlet of the life-giving Erbad river, the sun beating on his sore-riddled scales, Nawaz the Poet limped from the bank. This had been his every morning for the two years since his affliction began. Hakka's strong young hands gingerly...
Sweating it Out (Slug TF)
Janice wiped her sweaty brow with one hand, her other on the dirty fountain handle as she tried desperately to push out a stream of water large enough to drink from. She hated the idea of drinking from such a fountain, but she had forgotten her...
The Final Ritual
It had all started as a bit of harmless fun. Those who partook in the ritual were a group of college students, members of a non-campus affiliated occult club. During their regular meetings, they frequently engaged in fake rituals, finding solace...
Bug Thugs
Squinting into the dim light from his headlights, Frank was delighted to see a turn off the highway for a convenience store. Hunger getting the better of him, he decided it was time to take a break. He was still two hours out from making it back home,...
Logan woke up groggily, desperately willing the fog in his mind to lift, that he might recall the events of just moments ago. Or at least of what he perceived as moments ago. There was no telling how long he'd been out for; his stiff, sore body...
_The soil of a man's heart is stonier._ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Stephen King, _Pet Sematary_ The death of Dr. Martin Perry, Ph.D., was remarked upon, and mourned, in many quarters, but most of all his academic community, at the University of Florida,...
Guro Challenge #25: Organs
Blaggut supposed Slipp was right, he was an idiot; a clever beast would have asked what the word "quarantine" actually meant before going to find out for himself. Of course he'd been caught and thrown out, amid many curses from the healers (he didn't...
A Spooky Alien Incursion
As Halloween rolled around once more Tony found himself with a problem. Every year he hosted a party for a few of his gamer friends and he always tried to find the scariest games that he could that they could play through the night. Unfortunately after...