Starborne - Adrift in a Sea of Stars: Out of the Dark
Meanwhile, a deadly threat for the ship manifests itself as one of its fusion reactors approaches a critical overload. ## chapter 2 adrift in a sea of stars per aspera ad astra.
Cosmic Love: A Star Fell
A cold black blade pressed to his neck, firm in its deadly threat to slit the wolf's throat, and caught droplets of his own red blood as it dripped from his head and onto the blade.
D.E1/LOTVS Crossover: Chapter 4 (Husky P.O.V)
The parasite encountered in his blood could be a deadly threat, but as reckless as the decision of letting the little alien roam inside canis major sounded, they trusted that it wouldn't be contagious as yukiomaru himself confessed.
Richard and the Fae - Ch05
He couldn't remember _ever_ having burned himself out so hard before, but he also couldn't recall a time when his life had been in such deadly threat of ending either.
A Price for Everything pt 5
He couldn't remember _ever_ having burned himself out so hard before, but he also couldn't recall a time when his life had been in such deadly threat of ending either.
Paragon Part 1
The rain of metal and the deadly threat it represented went unheeded as she tried to locate where the humans involved in the construction were ending up at.
The Changing Face of Evil
That makes you a deadly threat," was the assurance, "to us. to all furs. you must be stopped." the fisher puffed himself up, trying to look bigger than he was. "a preemptive war? based on supposition? speculation?
Chapter 8: New Villain, Same as the Old Villain
How else was this deadly threat able to come against your neighbors so easily?" the crowd seemed less ecstatic at her scolding; some of them exchanged guilty glances. "i shall root out the rot, good citizens!" the vixen proclaimed.
Microfiction Compilation 2023-01
Still, the command is one you can't ignore, and not just because of the deadly threat attached to it. those feet are beautiful and powerful, especially given your ant-like size beneath them.
Sinori's Tale - Chapter Six
I could feel the heat of it all around me, could feel a sort of energy inside me at being around so much pure fire... but i knew it was a deadly threat to the girl. the umbreon on the other hand...
D.E1 Crossover - Chapter Four
The parasitic organism encountered in his blood could be a deadly threat, but sufficient tests had confirmed that the organism refused to infect, or even go near another blood cell from another being.
The Wolfen and Rokosh
The other figures continued to wait, holding their ground, still unsure if he was a deadly threat or not. this afforded cerebus time to assess himself properly and maybe by chance find some clues as to what had happened.