You Belong With Me

Ava knew it as a fire stone, the object used to help vulpix evolve. ava remembered when jake had received it from a relative a few years back. however, he didn't use it right away to her relief.

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Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 12: Shockingly Good Old Time!

As promised after obtaining the third badge, hakuzo earned a fabled fire stone. what will come of this? let's find out!\<\<\< the fire stone starts to glow with a fiery red light.

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The Old Ways

Use the spinning-fire-stick over the rain-sky-light-sound; the fire-rocks over the spinning-fire-stick; and the magic-fire-artifact over the fire-rocks.' " with the last part he shook the chrome zippo in the air a few times.

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PokéNNN - Round 4

"oh, if there is also a leaf stone and a fire stone for us, patrick!" says parsley. "how kind your parents are to give us one and there is an envelope inside!" says patrick said looking inside the box and grabbing the note.

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Ryan and Flare

"its a fire stone. i came out here to look for one, but this was the only one i found, before those pokemon attacked me." birch explained. "not that i dont want it, but whats it for?" ryan asked.

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Round 1: Hoenn Side

She held onto the fire stone until her love decides to wake up. next time, its team rocket versus the illustrious kbi and the crocanaw in totodile's bed will explain all.


Evolving Together

Unexpectedly, my buddy manages to find a damaged fire stone, and unexpected shenanigans ensue...... story by dolphinsanity dolphinsanity all credit to them posted with their permission.

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Arcanine Alone

His trainer had just used a fire stone on him to evolve him from a growlithe to an arcanine the night before, and as far as arcanines go, he was still relatively small and weak.

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Ember Tails side story - Firedog the First, end notes

Right before summer break began, the two coaches called him in to their office and calmed his nerves about competing in varsity by surprising him with a fire stone they had obtained for him through the state's high school athletic association.

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The princess in the tower.

He gave it to alice, when she opened it her eyes widened when she saw what it was, a fire stone. "nicola, i cannot accept this. if i use it, i will outlive you and be lonely again. i cannot accept this right now." alice told him.

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Cruel Beginnings 3

The trainer opened his fist that had been clenched the entire time, revealing a fire stone. "you are too insignificant to be part of my experiments. but, your evolved form would be perfect.

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The egg farm

She woke up in a shed and saw a fragment of a fire stone on the ground. she looked at him and she wanted him in her again. they mated and she slipped on the fragment and was evolving. his shaft was freer and he was faster.

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