Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 12: Growing

"Summit?" Embryo said the next morning after they had given the MudWings their thanks, before setting out again. She expected to feel herself blushing again, thinking about it, how her feminine Egg Laying self was so out of place in the contrast of...

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 13: Waiting

Screaming rang through Embryo's ears, the screams of everyone in her village who had ever laid an egg echoing into the present. Screams of pure torture and angst, screams of dragons who could not bear another moment of their own existence. No matter...

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 14: Laying

After her and Summit had breakfast, Embryo figured there was not much to be done for the rest of the day but just wait. She didn't know what time her egg would come, but until then, what else could she do? She wasn't sure that waiting around doing...

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 25: Heist

Ravine waited there while Summit recovered, she knew this could take a few minutes. Finally, Summit was able to release his injury, but he was still greatly uncomfortable. Em helped him to his talons. "I know how to get the eggs out of here," Ravine...

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 23: Negotiation

Queen Omelet was screaming; it was too much! She was never going to lay another egg again! She just wanted to die. Unfortunately, her screams couldn't be heard past her muzzle, and the only voice that could be heard from the Royal Bedroom were the...

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 18: Debriefing

Embryo followed the guards as they led her and her parents into the OmeletWing Castle's Throne Room, passing through the pale yellow pillars as they neared the throne. The sounds of their talons echoed in the wide space as they hit the cold tiled floor...

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 24: Married

**A/N - Please note, this chapter contain some heavily implied themes concerning marriage in the end of the first and during the third sections. Read to your own comfort, and feel free to skip over things if you like.** * * * The guards led them...

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 19: Gathering

OmeletWings lined the battlements of the castle looking out at the distant mountains, the Sun beginning to set, the lights of the Three Moons in their various stages of their cycles rising into the sky. The King Chef landed at the front of the group...

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 20: Entering

The Sun was beginning to rise over the mountains. The OmeletWing was still fairly far ahead, but Summit and Ravine had managed to keep him in sight for the duration of the night. Summit was starting to feel tired from the weight of his game bag, but...

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 22: Kitchens

As Ravine made her way through the Castle toward the kitchens, discretely trailing the other dragons heading that way, keeping to herself, questions kept filling her mind of how she would do what she came here to do once she got there. How was she to...

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