The King of The Heavens
Saline was in council discussing the matters on repleneshing the crops that had recently been destroyed along with rebuilding the homes and farmlands that were ravaged as well.
Surprise Visit Gone... Wrong?
He's just relieved that his new acquaintances from the farmlands immediately help him out in the cafe soon after, completely addicted to the steaks.
[SFW] Squirrelly Days #002 - Lina
The coalition takes care of the vast majority of everyday drudge work in the farmlands and the green zones.
[SFW] Squirrelly Days #019 - Chyla
Chyla: that seems... odd... why are only rammu allowed to protect them past the farmlands?
Apprentice to the Greasemonkey 01
He wanted to learn, and maybe he could take something back with him to the farmlands and return them back to their splendor. if he was ever to get the chance.
Dogesh Centum Doomday 2
.** **we reached the edge of surwest where the farmlands meet the southern markets.
The Guilded Cage, Ch 13
The return trip to the farmland had him completely consumed in his own thoughts, attempting to parse what he had leaned and rationalize what he'd experienced.
The Guilded Cage, World Introduction, part 4
The farmlands one of the most pristine and pleasant satellite operations of st. almar, the farmlands are located to the east of the city, taking up thousands of acres of green, verdant fields.
Meet Me Near the Windmills (Patreon)
On the far road that ran parallel to the farmland and windmills, a single green car ran down its length.
Meet Me Near the Windmills (Patreon)
On the far road that ran parallel to the farmland and windmills, a single green car ran down its length.
Billy the Kid
This fox who billy found as a father figure had recently emigrated from england and been gouged for the cost of farmland which it turned was not much of a farmland after all.
Foreign Skies - Act 1
Part 2 light forest turned to farmland and farmland soon gave way to the outskirts of the town. according to the maps, this was stone haven, bordered to the east by sea, hills leading to mountains to the northwest and with forests to the south.