your choice on which story comes first

Discovering the legends (god of war, legends, centaurs, pegasus's, tg, gender shifting, pregnancy, series, aphodite, m/m, m/f, cerebsus, werewolf, demon dogs, etc) so these are the stories that i was thinking of it anyone has a story that they would


Chapter 2: Happy Yiffday!

After that, she walks to the walmart two blocks over, and buys god of war two and a gift bag to wrap it in. she then walks the five blocks to art's apartment and walks in on him playing with his sound system.

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Dream a little dream Ch 3 and the end

She is under the command of the norse god of war, and it's against the rules' to interfere with gods from different regions." shear's face melted as ã‰lan's only chance had vanished.

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The Nine Knights of Creation: Research Notes: Allies

The child of the god of war is known as khalroth phoenix. he lead several battles against the god of evil, it was khalroth's duty to destroy him because of the threat he posed to creation.

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Tribes Mythos Simplified

god of war among the "old pantheon", honorable, proud, and protective of the wolves. he was the god that would lead the divine armies once divine court was finished, and spent nearly all his time in the mortal realm.


WC/LofW C1

Fight- this will basically be like a fight from batman ac or god of war where you have to fight a serine way, in this case you dodge 8 times then do a strike.

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In servitude to the Gods

He introduced himself as horus the god of war and the hunt. then he pointed a spear against my chest and said who are you intruder. i said am no intruder. anubis invited me here. then horus started to laugh.

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Chapter 1: Exodus

Some had said that within him burned the very soul of klaz'na, god of war. his bronzed reptilian chest was wrapped in thick muscle from his training, and his spear never left his side.

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Ripples From My Mane - Chapter 3

The god of war rewards glory, honor, valor, strength, and they seek his favor. for the two sects to reconcile..."

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Zweihander - Part 1

Description: gareth the wolf knight is a servant of the god of war--cursed to only maintain his true wolfen form when holding a great zweihander named fang.

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Ye Gods!

He was exhausted from all the romps with the leonine goddess of war, and knew he'd have to pay back thoth somehow for covering for him. the ibis nodded.

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