Monodramon's Ambition

#5 of chapter 2: the reign of king scourge monodramon is going up against king scourge the ties of the perfect world were starting to show signs of obvious cracks. from the beginning monodramon was strategically placing things.

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The Big Sister Part One: Resentment

Scylla barely remembered their mother, and barely remembered the dark reign of king scourge. she sighed as adriana would begin to take a detour towards the park.

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Enter Pokemon

#6 of chapter 2: the reign of king scourge ep ash ketchum was having a picnic alongside misty and broke. as usual pikachu was freed out as well were charzard and squirtle. the pokemon world was filled with various simplicities.

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Army Bound

#10 of chapter 2: the reign of king scourge the second to last story for this chapter/saga one year was all it took for not only for everything to return to normal but for it to be even better than before.

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Stitch's Backstory

#4 of chapter 2: the reign of king scourge the official prologue to veemon's happy day from stitch's point of view. this shows where is curiosity towards males comes from.

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#8 of chapter 2: the reign of king scourge veemon looked out the sea. his arms wrapped around agumon. he lingered over the words, 'i love you,' the calm sea was a pleasing sight.

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How to Fuck Sonic the Hedghog

#11 of chapter 2: the reign of king scourge end of chapter 2 reemon had finally been stopped once and for all. he was dead in a pool of blood. veemon walked away from this mess. he couldn't go back to the creatures that broke him once.

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Hide and go Fuck

#3 of chapter 2: the reign of king scourge agumon walked down an empty street. his eyes glaring at the pavement. he survived at nightmare and nothing around him seemed the same.

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Veemon's Happy Day

I met up with king scourge. scourge said, "creator it's been a while." i said, "everything has changed. and not in the way i wanted to. i never imagined the situation could get so out of hand.

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Playing Doctor

#2 of chapter 2: the reign of king scourge the reboot for playing doctor the world had was overcome with the great deal of changes. it was subtle to have things some things return to the way they were before.

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If its Incest

#1 of chapter 2: the reign of king scourge i'm going back to fix chapter 2 and work my way back up to the digi dead group. please comment about what you think it's always greatly appreciated.

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Forbidden Love

#9 of chapter 2: the reign of king scourge i'm back, with just one more story after this than the final chapter in this rewrite can finally end.

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