DoC-Ep2-Summer Break-

The background behind the main characters of this story is that they all are on summer break and the story starts on the second of june 2017.

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Help please..

There are 2 main characters in this story but as the series continues there may be more main characters. please help me with this story [\_2bwm/edit?



The characters: the main characters in this story are: tylix: the white arctic fox bivir: the timber wolf. both of these are fursona's taken from friends, and therefore remain under their copyright, fully.

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the lost wolfs part (1)

Chapter 1 main character intro - the main character of this story are heren and reco. heren is a smart little guy he loves to play he loves to hunt he loves practicly anything thats thrown at him.

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the hunting of the assassins' chapter1:surviving the assassin killers

The main character pov is 1st person and main character is chance and he is an assassin. i woke up and said to myself. "today is going to be a great day assassinating people!" as there was a knock at the door.

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Growth YCH

Character slots: i'm thinking two main character slots and one supporting. the first main character would be the scrawny cub/teen who grows.

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Prelude to Adventure

"you should be the main character. what do you want your name to be?" the wolf tapped his nose as he thought. "rovgar," he finally replied. terry entered it in. _what is your profession?_ryan's eyes went wide.

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MF-Ep1-The Intro-

#1 of the monster fighters not the "first episode" by all means, but just introducing the main characters of the monster fighters.

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"Will of the Alpha" Book Review

"attachments" earns its place at the end of the book, in my mind, due to the unique nature of the story's main character, which may squick some readers.


Eternal Twilight - Chapter 1

character's race is "hueron".

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The Hanging Academy -- Part 1

So the main character's name, wynn, should not occur outside of quotation marks, never in descriptive text. story codes: m/m, furry, cons, hanging, snuff, slow warning, it's 400,000 words long (in 7 sections).

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10 Second Tip: STUCK on a Short Story?

- a main character that personifies what your story is trying to say? - a main character that personifies an opposing opinion of the same topic? - a buddy / friend/ love interest of one or both to personify joe normal stuck in the middle?
