A taste of your own medicine (7)

"Matt, Mattew, MATTEW!" I awoke with a start at my name being called. I opened my eyes and all I saw were bright lights, medical center lights. I groaned, "where am I" I asked with a surprisingly scratchy voice and sore back. FLASHBACK The tv alerted...

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Das Auge der Verführung - Kapitel 8: Beim Arzt

Und weil's so schön war - hier noch ein Kapi für euch. :-P Natürlich bitte ich wie immer alle Leser um Unterstützung. Sollte sich trotz meiner zahlreichen Korrekturen und der Verwendung der neusten Rechtschreibprogrammen dennoch ein Fehlerchen...

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A Giant Problem IX

I looked at Dr Stevenson, just stared at him. "You mean there was nothing wrong with what they gave me?" "Not a thing, Jason. It was exactly what they said it was. No harm to you and honestly probably some benefit" "I don't understand." "Maybe...

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That Place 5: Mad Max

Some more dogs had been brought in throughout the day by various people. Some, like me, whose families brought them here. Others Tom dragged in on the end of the loop-pole thing and shoved into the empty runs here and there. They were mostly afraid, or...

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Romancing the moonshine

Once again on a bed. Blinds shielding bright, too bright, sunlight from his eyes. Various gadgets popped, whirred, buzzed, swished and bleeped next to him. A constant supply of drugsâ€"morphine probablyâ€"kept him aware of only a distant pain. ...

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Chapter I - Schism

It's a beautiful night but bitterly cold, and I draw my jacket closer to myself and shivier a little. The only sound I can hear is the tock-tock-tock of my shoes against the sidewalk. My shadow is now in front of me, then shortening, then behind me,...

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Another story I will eventually add more on to. This was inspired by this website ([[link]](http://home.telepath.com/~wanderer/imagine_furnetics/)) and a trip to a cheese steak place called Chinks. Again not sure Ill continue but there's a chance. ...

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I Got A Puppy!

I Got A Puppy! The apartment the two lived in was exemplary in its tidiness, as Ricky was doing his best to be of use. He wanted to keep his most recent boyfriend, also a wolf like himself - if with a different set of markings, happy with the maid...

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No Good Deed Chapter 6: positive feedback loop

Now, just bring the tapes up over the sides and you're done." "like this? "tighter.. there you go. Last thing you want is her leaking all over the place. The clean up is bad, their crying is worse. I almost wish she was fussier so you could...

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No good Deed Chapter 5: Welcome to Nursing

Lying flat on my belly in a now familiar crib, wrapped up in a warm fuzzy blanket, my head on a soft, cool pillow, with a teddy bear tucked comfortably in my arms with the worst behind me had me feeling pleasantly relaxed. I tried to tell myself that...

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Out of Body

I looked through the glass window, seeing an anthro wolf lying in a hospital bed, unconscious. He looked at peace and breathing, but the gashes and wounds on his body told a different story. The male's black furred face looked as if someone attempted...

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The Program

The neon lights of a nearby bar cut through the thick late-night fog, casting a dull glare over the small pile of cardboard and cloth in the alley below. Colourful though they were, it certainly made it much harder to sleep for the little german...

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